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Local Insight

Our new local information system is called St Helens Local Insight, where you can find many facts and figures about St Helens.

If you need any support or help, please contact

St Helens State of the Borough Report

A local socio-economic demographic profile of St Helens Borough is available in the reports listed below.

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

What is a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)?

A JSNA is a process that looks at the health, care and wellbeing needs of residents in St Helens now and what they may be in the future. This is used to help plan, agree and set out the services that will be needed.

The Department of Health has provided guidance, which sets out the how, what and why a JSNA is needed.  St Helens Borough Council and St Helens Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), via the St Helens People's Board, share the legal responsibility to produce a JSNA.

The JSNA should:

  • Look at wider social factors that have an impact on health and wellbeing, such as poverty, housing and employment
  • Look at the health of the population, what behaviours affect health and wellbeing, such as smoking, diet and exercise
  • Summarise the health and care needs for the local community of St Helens
  • Identify health inequalities
  • Provide evidence of how and where health and care services are helping improve local resident's health, care and/or wellbeing needs
  • Set out the current services available
  • Identify gaps in health and social services and unmet needs.

The JSNA is a continuous process and is updated as new information becomes available.

As each chapter of the JSNA is revised and re-written the chapter report will be published on the website. 

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Last modified on 20 February 2024