What happens if I'm already registered for Tax-Free Childcare and my reconfirmation window doesn't open until late February or March?
If you already have a Tax-Free Childcare account for your 2-year-old you will be given your free childcare code when you next reconfirm eligibility for that scheme.
Applications are open from now until 31 March. If you miss the deadline, or don't receive your code by 31 March, you won't be able to start using the new entitlements from 1 April.
We are aware that some parents with a late February / early March confirmation window may be anxious about confirming a place in time. For those parents whose reconfirmation window opens on or after the 15th February and who wish to give their provider a code earlier, we are setting out the following steps:
- HMRC will send out letters before the middle of February with a valid temporary code which you can use to confirm your child's place with their provider for April (with hours funded by the entitlement).
- After this you will still need to reconfirm your eligibility through your online childcare account in the usual way when your reconfirmation window opens.
- You will then receive a new digital code via your childcare account that you can then use for as long as you stay eligible and reconfirm when prompted to. You will need to provide this to your childcare provider, though you will not need to wait for this digital code to confirm your free place (the temporary code can be used for this).
The next steps will be set out clearly in the letter you will receive. You should not contact HMRC before you've received your letter as they won't be able to provide you with a code.