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Disabled children and young person's register

All local authorities must have a record or register of children with Disabilities in their area, under the Children Act 1989.

Who does can register?
If you have a disabled child or young person between birth and 25 you can sign them onto the disabled children and young person's register.

Our local definition of disability is based on the Equality Act 2010 which states that a person is disabled if they have a physical or mental impairment that has a 'substantial' and 'long term' negative effect on their ability to do normal daily activities. Some examples of what this would include are:

  • ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
  • Autism or Aspergers
  • behavioural, emotional or social difficulties
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • complex health needs
  • Dyspraxia
  • global development delay
  • learning difficulty
  • mobility difficulty
  • palliative care needs
  • sight and hearing impairments

Do I have to sign up?

No. Signing up for the Disabled Children and Young Person's Register is completely voluntary, but we encourage you to do so as we believe it will be beneficial to you.

Why should I sign up?

Once we have your details, we will keep you informed of what is available in the area and tell you about any planned changes or developments that may affect your child.

The information we get from you will also help us have a clearer picture of where children and young people with a disability live and what their needs are. This will help us plan support services more effectively when reviewing and setting them up.

From time to time, we would also like to seek feedback from you on the St Helens SEND Local Offer to see how we can improve.


Who will use the information I give you?

Your information will be used anonymously for reporting purposes and the Local Authority and partners will ensure that data cannot be traced back to you or your child or young person. Examples of how your anonymous data could be used include:

  • To determine how well the council and its partners are supporting children/young people and their families.
  • To help design improved services which are responsive to local demand and need.
  • To inform funding and commissioning decisions
  • To inform performance management and improve service delivery.
  • To inform training and development needs
  • To submit national surveys and government returns.

Joining the register will not affect any services or benefits that you currently receive. It will also not guarantee your child any additional benefits of services.

How to register

Before you register, please read the privacy notice via the link below which explains who we share your data with and how we store it.

Privacy Notice (opens new window)

Disabled Register form


How to update your details / deregister

Send an email to

When your child or young person reaches 25 years old, we will remove them from the register.


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Last modified on 20 February 2025