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Pilkington Family Trust

The Pilkington Family Trust was set up for the benefit of Pilkington employees in retirement and was originally used to relieve financial need. Today it is also available to provide assistance to those who are in need because of health, disability and loneliness. It is available to all retirees of Pilkington Group Limited who meet the eligibility criteria (normally a minimum of 10 years service) and who can demonstrate that they are in need of assistance.

They provide a wide range of support services to help people to live independently.

Each support service has eligibility criteria.

  • Hairdressing
  • Garden Maintenance
  • Domestic Service
  • Meals Service

Active Leisure

Enjoying the most out of your retirement is something that the Pilkington Family Trust promotes through encouraging and creating opportunities for active leisure. This is done in a variety of ways, including:

  • Keep Fit
  • Rambling
  • Pensioners' Clubs
  • Art classes
  •  Quilting Group
  • Tai Chi (fee applies)
  • Chi Kung
  • Ladies' bowling
  • Indoor bowling (winter months)
  • Snooker and dominoes
  • Companions Group 

Enquiries should be made to Kath Shaw, Activities Co-ordinator on 01744 742509

Social Groups

These have been set up all around the country where groups of interested pensioners have got themselves together to meet their own particular needs in the area they live. Some groups arrange theatre and cinema trips, holidays, and bowling; in fact, anything they wish to do as a group of people all with the common bond of being a Pilkington pensioner.

Please get in touch with the Pilkington Family Trust to find out more about Active Leisure opportunities and Self Help Groups.

Dementia Support

At Pilkington Family Trust they have a dedicated team consisting of a specialist Admiral Nurse and a Support Worker are available to offer advice on a wide variety of issues affecting individuals and their carers.  The focus of our work is with the carer to prevent carer breakdown.  This can be simply signposting to appropriate statutory services or working closely with the family to identify coping mechanisms.  The nurse will focus on the clinical aspects of the condition and the support worker on the social impacts.


Contact Details

Telephone: 01744 742 516 




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Last modified on 16 August 2024