Frequently Asked Questions
- How much money will I receive for my care?
The amount you will receive will depend on your level of need this will be agreed with your social worker during your care needs assessment.
- What can I use the money for?
You must use the money allocated to meet your assessed needs as set out in your support plan. You can choose to employ a personal assistant or to use an agency of your choice to support you. The Direct Payments Advisors will discuss your options on the best way to spend your Direct Payments to achieve the best outcomes.
- How will I receive the payments?
You will need to set up a separate bank account in your name or your representatives name for your Direct Payment. The Direct Payments Advisors can advise on the different options and support you with setting up the bank account.
- What do I do if my needs have changed?
You can contact the contact cares team to ask for a review of your care needs. You can contact them on or 01744-676767
- If I have a contribution to pay towards my care, how do I do this?
You can set up a standing order for your contribution from your own personal bank account either weekly or monthly into your Direct Payments Account.
- If I am registered as an employer, will it affect my financial circumstances?
No, it will not affect any income you receive as when you are registered with HMRC it is under a Carers Scheme which is a non-profitable business.
- What support would I get if I have a problem with a P.A?
When you register as an employer by law you must purchase an annual liability insurance the insurance that you choose should include legal assistance to support you in any disputes that you may have. In the first instance you must contact your insurance for advice. This must be renewed yearly if you are still employing a P.A.
- What is my employee's holiday entitlement?
Your employee's entitlement is 5.6 weeks per annum. For example, if your employee worked 10 hours per week their entitlement would be 56 hours per annum. As an employer you must make sure that your employee takes the holidays within the holiday year. It is the responsibility of the employer to keep a track of annual leave taken.
- What happens when my P.A. is on holiday do I need to get cover?
As you are in control of your own care you will need to arrange cover when your employee takes their annual leave. If you are having difficulties arranging cover, contact your DP Advisor for advice.
- Can I employ a family member?
You can employ a family member so long as they do not live in the same house as you.
- How do I pay my employee?
St Helens Direct Payments Team operate a payroll service for its service users. If you choose this option for your payroll you would enter into a service level agreement and complete HMRC forms for the DP Payroll service to be your agent. The payroll would produce payslips and tax reports once per month and report to HMRC each month all earnings for all employees. The payroll would send you the payslips and tax report each month to enable you to pay your employee's and HMRC the funds owed.
- Do I need a DBS (Data and Barring Service) for my employee?
DBS checks are free for your employee's. You would need to contact your DP Advisor who can facilitate this.
Last modified on 13 March 2025