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Data protection and your rights

To access copies of your personal data

You are entitled to ask us for copies of your personal data that we hold (known as the Right of Access / Subject Access).

When making a Subject Access Request you will be asked to provide identification as follows:

If you are the Data Subject, we will need proof of ID e.g. current passport, photo driving licence or birth certificate and proof of address e.g. utility bill (last 3 months), council tax bill (current year), current driving licence, bank statement (last 3 months) or other official documentation (last 3 months).

If the request is being made on behalf of another Data Subject, then we need the above, plus the below, depending on the circumstances.

  • Parent/Guardian - Evidence of PR, a birth or adoption certificate if a child is aged 12 or under or lacks the capacity to understand what a SAR is.
  • Parent/Guardian - Signed and dated written permission from a child for the requestor to act on their behalf if a child is aged 13 or over and has the capacity to understand what a SAR is.
  • Lasting Power of Attorney - Evidence of this power.

You can make a Subject Access Request here (Link to:

You also have the right to request further information, including:

  • the reasons why we process your personal data.
  • the types of personal data we process.
  • the organisations we share your personal data with.
  • how long we will retain your personal data for, where possible.
  • your rights relating to this data.
  • where we have obtained your personal data from.
  • whether or not decisions are made about you solely using automated means (including profiling) without human intervention. If so, we will provide the logic involved, as well as how this affects you.

When providing you with a copy of your information we will also explain if we have redacted any information that identifies third parties.

If we withhold personal data on the basis that it is exempt from disclosure, where it is possible to do so, we will explain the exemption(s) we are relying on and the reason why one or more exemptions apply. 

In certain circumstances we may refuse to respond your request if we consider that it is unfounded, excessive, or repetitive in nature.

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