Decision ref
0062 2024/25
Decision date
Supporting Neighbourhoods
Parr, Peasley Cross and Fingerpost, Sutton North West, Sutton South East
Local Lettings Policy - new apartments at Baxters Lane
To approve a Local Lettings Policy for new apartments for affordable rent at Baxters Lane, in the ward of Peasley Cross and Fingerpost.
To seek approval for a Local Lettings Policy (LLP) which will support the creation of a sustainable community
and give priority to existing local residents for first lettings of 28 new homes at a site off Baxters Lane.
A new development of 28 apartments on Baxters Lane will shortly be completed. Jigsaw Housing Association will become the social landlord. It will provide 28 one bedroom apartments to be let at affordable rents. These will be occupied by single people or couples. First lettings are expected to be made late 2024 / early 2025. Homes will be let using the Under One Roof choice based lettings system as usual other than that the terms of the LLP will apply to the lettings alongside the council's allocation policy.
A LLP will support Jigsaw in its intention to achieve a sustainable community with residents who have a mix of employment status and circumstances, typical of more longstanding neighbourhoods. The aim is to identify tenants who will settle and contribute to the local community both socially and economically which is harder to achieve if very high percentages of residents are not economically active.
The statutory basis which allows an LLP is Section 166A(6)(B) of the Housing Act 1996. This enables housing authorities to allocate particular accommodation to people of a particular description, whether or not they fall within reasonable preference categories, provided that overall the authority is able to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of section 166A(3). This allows local lettings policies to be used to achieve a wide variety of housing management and policy objectives.
The LLP for the new homes on Baxters Lane uses two lettings criteria which seek to
1) reflect the mix of economic activity found in most established neighbourhoods.
2) bring continuity by allowing families and individuals with existing links to the locality to access suitable
housing in their community.
The details of the criteria are as follows:
Letting criteria 1) - 50% (14) of the properties will be allocated to applicants who are in employment for 16 hours or more each week or full-time education/training and can evidence affordability in line with the council’s allocation policy
Letting criteria 2) - Preference will be given to applicants with a local connection to the wards of Peasley Cross and Fingerpost, Parr, Sutton NW or Sutton SE.
In the event that either there are
- insufficient bids from applicants with a local connection who meet the minimum quota for applicants in employment, education or training
- insufficient bids from applicants who meet the stated local connection criteria
applicants from the wider borough of St Helens will be considered.
Additionally, in support of the council’s wider strategic aims with rehousing young care leavers up to the age of 25, Jigsaw agrees to accept a nominations for a care leaver prioritised by the Children We Look After / Futures (Leaving Care) team at St Helens Borough Council , for one of the 1 bed units, providing they have the expected levels of support from the local authority, such as appropriate wrap around support until the age of 21 years in place, a trustee until the age of 18 years, and with support, if requested, up to the age of 25.
This does not exclude other care leavers who may bid successfully for a unit under the wider criteria of this LLP.
The policy will be in operation for 12 months from the commencement of the first tenancy at the development and then subject to review, amendment, or withdrawal.
Consultation has taken place with the Ward Councillors in the four wards listed above.
The inclusion of a local letting criteria which prioritises people needing affordable rented housing in the four wards of Peasley Cross and Fingerpost, Parr, Sutton NW or Sutton SE. will benefit local residents of this area in achieving high quality, affordable homes. A LLP will contribute to local community cohesion and the goal of sustainable neighbourhoods.
Risk Implications
Measures to Redress Risk
Declarations Of Interest
Equality Impact Assessment
More information
Please contact Lucy Reynolds on 01744 676235