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Arts for schools and young people

The Local Cultural Educational Partnership in St Helens is known as Cultured. We provide workshops, CPD and support to allow young people to access high quality cultural experiences


Cultured logo

Cultured (St Helens Cultural Education Partnership) was created to support children and young people to fulfil their creative potential and access high-quality cultural experiences where they live, where they go to school, and where they spend their free time. Partners come together from across sectors, responding to local needs and interests, to drive a more joined-up cultural education offer, share resources, and improve the visibility of cultural education in their local area

As an Artsmark town, a creative quality standard for schools accredited by Arts Council England, St Helens Borough recognises that all creative subjects are a driver for whole school improvement, developing students' confidence, ability and creativity.

You can read our brochure to find out more about what we offer schools and how we can support young people to access a variety of high quality cultural experiences. Details about the team of CulturEd Arts Practitioners are also in our brochure. The offers contained in out brochure are flexible and can be adapted to suit individual schools - please contact us to find out how we can support you.Cultured Brochure 2025-26 (PDF, 8 MB)

 Workshops: Subscribing schools can choose from our range of quality assured practitioners to deliver creative workshops. We offer a wide range of high quality cultural experiences for schools that can be tailored to suit your individual needs: one-off workshops to introduce a topic or idea to your pupils; a series of sessions over a half term to support your delivery of the curriculum or a school project.

CPD: CulturEd provide a range of high quality arts based CPD sessions for teachers across St Helens. These can be bespoke sessions hosted in your setting for all staff as part of INSET or individual teachers can sign up to attend sessions on a particular idea or genre.

Support: Activities are tailored to individual school's requirements and we can provide bespoke support - for example in developing your arts curriculum; planning and applying for Artsmark; signposting to and support to access a variety of additional cultural activities across the region.

Coming Soon...

21st May 2025 - Creative Careers Event for Secondary School Pupils. All schools are invited to bring young people along to find out more about careers in the creative industries. There will be opportunities to talk to local FH and HE providers; meet with local creatives and industry representatives and take part in a range of workshops.

Submissions will open shortly for the 2025 Youth Open Art Competition that will happen this June and July. Submissions from all schools and colleges are welcomed, to find out more read our entry form (coming soon)

What has been happening?

Our free dance CPD, held as part of our new collaboration with the Royal Opera House and Ballet, was held at St Helens Town Hall on Wednesday 26th February. The day was a great success and saw delegates attend from a variety of settings. All the participants agreed that the day was a great opportunity to develop dance teaching skills, gain confidence and learn about some of the work of the Royal Opera House in an engaging, fun amd collaborative way. Watch the space for our next steps!

ROH CPD image

Find out more about Artsmark and Arts Council England.

Schools can subscribe to our comprehensive arts and cultural offer via the Services4Schools website.

Workshop Images 1
creative careers

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Last modified on 12 March 2025