Decision ref
0097 2024/25
Decision date
Inclusive Growth and Regeneration
Moss Bank, Town Centre
Cowley Hill Link Road - Acceptance of LCRCA Grant Funding Agreement
Approval is sought to enter into a Grant Funding Agreement with the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCRCA) in accepting capital grant funding to enable the delivery of St Helens North Housing Access scheme, known as Cowley Hill Link Road, utilising a proportion of the £10.000m from the Strategic Investment Fund (SIF), Liverpool City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS).
The Cowley Hill Link Road Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) is also provided for further context.
This DED seeks approval to formally approve the Council entering into a Grant Funding Agreement with the LCRCA, in accepting capital grant funding to help deliver the Cowley Hill Link Road scheme, in partnership with the developer of the site.
The Grant Funding Agreement, which has been developed in partnership with the LCRCA, confirms the scope of the enabling works and construction works as outlined in the Full Business Case (as attached), and the method for claiming eligible costs to date and on a continuing basis. The terms and conditions in the agreement are intended to ensure that the grant is used for the purpose for which it is awarded.
At its meeting on 23 October 2024, Cabinet approved the acceptance of a £10m capital grant funding award from the LCRCA’s City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement for the delivery of the Cowley Hill Link Road scheme.
Cabinet also approved granting delegated authority to the Executive Director of Place Services (in consultation with the Director of Legal & Governance and Director of Finance/Section 151 Officer) to execute Grant Funding Agreements with the LCRCA pursuant to delivery of the Cowley Hill Link Road scheme.
The ‘Cowley Hill Link Road’ scheme relates to the proposed delivery of transport infrastructure that will unlock significant regenerative development whilst improving local accessibility, create a fairer society and help tackle the climate emergency. Collaborating closely with strategic partners, grant funding was successfully secured from the from the Strategic Investment Fund (SIF), Liverpool City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS).
The proposed Cowley Hill Link Road scheme is an integral component of the St Helens Northern Access Corridor Strategy and the St Helens North Housing Access initiative. This project will directly facilitate redevelopment of the brownfield, former Cowley Hill glassworks site that will deliver circa 1,100 new homes and complimentary commercial/leisure facilities.
Delivery of the Cowley Hill Link Road project will be via a partnership between the Council, the LCRCA and the developer/landowner of the Cowley Hill Works development site, BXB Cowley Hill Ltd (BXB).
Delivery of the project would be managed by BXB as the primary landowner and developer of the wider site. A Secondary Agreement will be put in place to allow the Council to defray the funding to BXB. It is anticipated that this agreement will transfer to BXB Cowley Hill the obligations contained in the LCRCA grant funding agreement, along with provisions safeguarding the Council’s interests, such as financial profiling and cashflow.
This decision refers solely to the Primary Agreement, the Council entering a Grant Funding Agreement and grant acceptance with the LCRCA. A separate Delegated Executive Decision will be submitted to enter into the Secondary Agreement with BXB.
This Delegated Executive Decision seeks approval for the Council entering into a Grant Funding Agreement with LCRCA, in accepting capital grant funding award of £10m from the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement for the Cowley Hill Link Road scheme in accordance with the Cabinet's decision on 23 October 2024.
The decision is in line with the approval granted by Cabinet to delegate authority to the Executive Director of Place Services in consultation with the Director of Legal & Governance and Director of Finance/Section 151 Officer to execute Grant Funding Agreements with the LCRCA pursuant to delivery of the Cowley Hill Link Road scheme.
Risk Implications
A detailed project risk register, and a construction risk register have been produced in partnership with BXB Cowley Hill Ltd, which identify potential risks in delivering the project, the consequences and probability (see attached). The risks identified fall into two different categories; those relating specifically to pre-development works (legal/ planning/contractor procurement) and delivery-related risks (in terms of remediation works as well as highway construction).
This risk register is a live document and is to be subject to ongoing reviews by the Project Team, with updates provided as appropriate as part of monthly performance returns.
Measures to Redress Risk
Secondary Agreement to include measures to mitigate risk. A further DED will be submitted to approve the Secondary Agreement between SHBC and BXB.
Declarations Of Interest
Equality Impact Assessment
More information
Please contact David Saville on 01744 676148