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Billinge Map (Adobe pdf documents) 1 START/ FINISH© Crown copyright and database rights 2012. Ordnance Survey Licence Number LA100018360. You are not permitted to copy, sub-license, distri...
Government Card Procurement - July 2020 (Adobe pdf documents) Card Procurement - July 2020.xlsx Department Posting Date Merchant Category Name Merchant Transaction Amount Place Services 01/07/2020 SCHOOLS & EDUC...
Government Card Procurement - December 2020 (Adobe pdf documents) Card Procurement - December 2020.xlsx Department Transaction Date Merchant Category Name Merchant Description Transaction Amount Place Services 11/12...
Government Card Procurement - June 2020 (Adobe pdf documents) Card Procurement - June 2020.xlsx Department Posting Date Merchant Category Name Merchant Transaction Amount Peoples Services 01/06/2020 GROCERY STOR...
Government Card Procurement - August 2020 (Adobe pdf documents) Card Procurement - Aug 2020.xlsx Department Posting Date Merchant Category Name Merchant Transaction Amount Place Services 06/08/2020 AUTOMOBILE PARK...
Government Card Procurement - September 2020 (Adobe pdf documents) Card Procurement - Sep 2020.xlsx Department Posting Date Merchant Category Name Merchant Transaction Amount Place Services 29/09/2020 PROFESSIONAL SE...
Government Card Procurement - October 2020 (Adobe pdf documents) Card Procurement - October 2020.xlsx Department Posting Date Merchant Category Name Merchant Transaction Amount Place Services 22/10/2020 PROFESSIONA...
Government Card Procurement - January 2021 (Adobe pdf documents) Card Procurement - January 2021.xlsx Department Transaction Date Merchant Category Name Merchant Description Transaction Amount Place Services 20/01/...
Government Card Procurement - November 2020 (Adobe pdf documents) Card Procurement - November 2020.xlsx Department Posting Date Merchant Category Name Merchant Transaction Amount Peoples Services 12/11/2020 BUSINESS...
Terms of Reference (Adobe pdf documents) Helens Town Deal Board - Terms of Reference ST HELENS TOWN DEAL BOARD TERMS OF REFERENCE Background In September 2019, the UK Government identified 101 towns...