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Personal Budgets and Direct Payments

St Helens Borough Council's People's Services department can offer a Personal Budget as a Direct Payment to people who are eligible for care and support.

Direct Payments are cash payments made in lieu, either fully or partly to individuals who have been assessed as needing services.

You can choose to receive a Personal Budget as a Direct Payment if you wish to be in control of the services you need, and you are able to arrange and manage those services, either by yourself or with help. You can choose this instead of the council arranging services on your behalf.

Direct Payments can be made to any person aged 16 or over, to people with parental responsibility for disabled children, carers aged 16 and over in respect of carers services and people who receive a Personal Health Budget.

The service user has a choice of services they want to buy in, so long as they are legal, keep you safe and meet your assessed needs. This will be reflected in the support plan following a care assessment by Care Management and the Direct Payments support team.

A Direct Payment can help you live more independently by giving you more flexibility and control of the services you want to buy in to meet your assessed needs. You could choose to employ your own personal assistants / carers or a care agency of your choice. This gives you greater control of how and when you arrange the support you need.

You may have to contribute to your care and support depending on your financial circumstances. The local authority would conduct a financial assessment. If you are assessed to contribute to your care this will be deducted from your Direct Payment.

To access Direct Payments, you will need an assessment of your care needs. If you are eligible for care, you can ask to have a Direct Payment to meet your assessed needs. Please contact the Contact Cares Team on 01744 676767 or email to ask for a social care assessment.

Direct Payment GuidanceFrequently Asked Questions

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Last modified on 13 March 2025