Get ready to vote in St Helens Borough
With elections for the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Mayoral and Merseyside Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) taking place on 2 May 2024, and the promise of a General Election before 28 January 2025, are you ready to vote?

Article date: 28 February 2024
A recent online poll by St Helens Borough Council asked residents about their voting preparedness, preferences and familiarity with the changes to voting nationally, which local voters will experience for the first time.
Among those who responded to the poll 92% said they are registered to vote - if you aren't registered to vote or you have moved house, do so by midnight on Tuesday 16 April to participate in the Combined Authority Mayoral and PCC elections. It's quick and can be done online at with your date of birth and National Insurance number.
55% of respondents said they planned to vote in a polling station while 42% preferred postal voting - if you'd prefer to vote by post, complete an application and return it by 5pm on Wednesday 17 April. This can be done online at
If you miss the last post date, you can still hand in your completed postal vote pack at a polling station on polling day or at St Helens Town Hall, but you will now need to complete further documentation at your drop off point. You can hand deliver no more than five postal vote packs plus your own postal vote for each election.
83% of respondents were aware of the new requirement to present photo ID (called voter ID) at a polling station, but 73% did not know that you can use an expired ID, as long as the photo still looks like you. This could be a driving license, passport, Blue Badge or Government-funded travel pass - local passes can't be used. For a full list of accepted forms of voter ID visit
Your polling station may have changed since the last time you voted. You can check where you'll be voting at
If you can't get to your polling station on election day you can apply for a proxy vote, as long as you are registered to vote and have provided a reason. A proxy vote means asking another person to go to your polling station on your behalf.
To vote by proxy in the Combined Authority Mayoral and PCC elections, submit your application by 5pm on Wednesday 24 April.
For more information about voting and the upcoming elections visit