Park Events
Planning an event in one of our parks?

We welcome event organisers into our Borough and have a number of parks and open spaces available for hire.
To organise an event in St Helens you will need to follow the instructions on the Park Events Planning Instruction guide (PDF, 139 KB)(opens new window) This guide is tailored to events of less than 1,000 attendees but is useful for understanding our procedures for any event.
We need notice to help you plan your event:
Event size | Minimum notice required |
< 1,000 attendees | 3 months |
1,000 - 5,000 attendees | 6 months |
> 5,000 attendees | 9 months |
The notification time frames are necessary to allow the services who may support your event to consider the information provided. Notification provided after these time periods may result in your event not being granted land hire permission as the required services may not be able to support you with the appropriate advice you may require.
Essential Documents for Events in Parks
Event Submission and Hire of Land Application Form (PDF, 903 KB)(opens new window)
Guidance to assist organisers of small events (PDF, 4 MB)(opens new window)
Risk Assessment Template (Word doc, 93 KB)(opens new window)
Event Management Plan and Guidance Notes (Word doc, 95 KB)(opens new window)
Risk Assessment Example (PDF, 120 KB)(opens new window)
Take a look at our up coming Park Events
Venue | Date / Time | Information | Details |
Victoria Park | Every Saturday 9.00am (check their Facebook page for weekly updates, re issues with the weather etc) | weekly park run that covers 5k around Victoria Park |
Victoria Park | Every Sunday at 9.00am (check their Facebook page for weekly updates, re issues with the weather etc) | Weekly park run that covers 2k around Victoria Park for juniors (4-14 years) |
Last modified on 09 January 2025