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Back to school warning as measles cases persist

As children and young people across the borough have returned to school, families are warned of the continued risk of measles for those not vaccinated.

Measles Graphic

Article date: 9 September 2024

A warning was issued prior to the summer break when families might be travelling at home or abroad on holiday because of the risk of catching measles.

There has been an encouraging increased uptake of the measles vaccine in St Helens Borough this year, but with cases remaining across England, and circulating in parts of Europe, Asia and Africa where families may have been holidaying, the Public Health recommendation to vaccinate remains as children return to school.

In the UK, parents and guardians are offered two doses of the MMR vaccine for their children by the time they start school (or by 3 years and 4 months of age).

Having both doses of the MMR vaccine provides up to 99% effective life-long protection against measles.

If you are not sure if you or your child is up to date with the MMR vaccination, check their health record or contact your GP practice. You're also encouraged to check your vaccination status if you're a frontline health or social care worker, as you are more likely to come into contact with people who are vulnerable to serious illness.

Councillor Sue Murphy MBE, St Helens Borough Council's Cabinet Member for Public Health, said:

"The return to school is a significant event in any family calendar, and we want to ensure our children are kept well and healthy. Measles has been circulating in most parts of England over the summer and in popular holiday destinations abroad where families may just be returning from, so please be mindful of the common symptoms.

"Vaccination is the best defence and while uptake among local families is really encouraging, there are still some children outstanding and some adults who may not have received two doses in childhood, who may be at risk. The more people who get vaccinated, the better it is for everyone.

"The MMR vaccine is one of the safest and most successful vaccinations used in the world today, estimated by the World Health Organisation to have saved 17.1 million lives worldwide since 2000. It is the best possible defence for you and your family from a common childhood illness that can lead to some very serious and life-threatening health issues."

The first symptoms of measles include:

  • High fever
  • Sore, red watery eyes
  • Cough
  • Aches and generally feeling unwell

After a few days symptoms include:

  • Small white spots may appear inside the cheeks or on the back of the lips
  • A blotchy red-brown rash which starts on the face and behind the ears before spreading to the rest of the body. The rash may be harder to spot on darker skin tones.

Confirmed and likely cases of measles should self-isolate for the duration of the infectious period (from 4 days before rash onset and a further 4 days afterwards).

If you think you may have measles, telephone your doctor/general practitioner (GP) surgery or ring NHS 111 (or online at As measles can spread to others easily, call your GP surgery before you attend if you do need to be seen.

More information about the symptoms of measles and what to do about them can be found on the NHS website at

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Last modified on 09 September 2024