Role details
As our new Chief Executive, you will perform the most senior role in St Helens Borough Council and will work closely with the Leader of the Council in setting our overall strategic direction. You will work collaboratively with Cabinet Members, the leadership of all political parties and all Elected Members to ensure that the council can efficiently and effectively meet its key objectives.
Leadership of the Executive Management Team and the Senior Leadership Team will be central to the role in order to ensure that the council remains ahead of the curve and on track to deliver our regeneration programme, effective support to our vulnerable residents and further performance improvements and modernisation to achieve our long-term goals.
As Chief Executive you will be an innovator and a driving force in the next phase of the transformation of the council, at the forefront of change in local government, bringing together partner organisations and stakeholders to develop service provision, maximising efficiency, and improving the resident experience.
For further information, please see our Candidate Pack (opens new window)