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My child has SEN assistance

Help with travel

If your child is unable to walk to school because of his/her mobility problems or because of associated health and safety issues related to their special educational needs or disability (SEND), and he/she is attending the nearest suitable provision, you may be entitled to assistance with transport.

Assistance can be any one of the following:

  • A public service bus pass - for those students who can travel independently.
  • Independent Travel training and a public service bus pass.
  • Parental mileage - if a family member is able to drive.
  • A seat on a hired service with or without a Passenger Assistant.

If you require assistance with transport you will be required to complete a SEND transport application form (PDF, 396 KB)(opens new window), which will include current medical conditions and up-to-date contact details. Completed forms will need to be sent to:

School Transport Team
Atlas House
Corporation Street
St Helens

or alternatively email the completed form to

Public service bus pass

If it is appropriate for your child to be issued with a bus pass, you will be asked to send a current and appropriate passport-sized photograph of your child to the School Transport Team. Once this is received, you will be issued with a Solo Student bus pass, which will be valid until the end of the school year.  

A Solo pass can be used on any bus service travelling in the St Helens area.

For details of bus timetables, visit the Merseytravel website.

Hired services

If it is appropriate for your child to travel on a hired service, you will be notified of the route number, Operator and Passenger Assistant details.

You will be informed of an approximate pick-up time. It will be your responsibility to bring and collect your child from the vehicle. The Passenger Assistant is not allowed to get off the vehicle while there are other children on the route.

If you need to make any change to your child's transport arrangements, you will need to contact the School Transport Team on (01744) 671031 between 8.45am and 5.15pm (Mon-Thurs) and 8.45am and 5pm (Fri). Messages can be left out of hours on 07766 087222.

Parental mileage

The local authority will pay for two return journeys per day at 43p per mile. A parental mileage form (which can be obtained from the School Transport Team) will need to be completed and a representative from their school will need to verify their attendance. The form needs to be returned on a monthly basis to:

School Transport Team
Atlas House
Corporation Street
St Helens

or alternatively email the completed form to

Refused applications

If you are refused a bus pass because you do not qualify under either the statutory criteria or low income criteria, or you want another form of transport assistance for your child, we have a two-stage review/appeals process.

Once you have received written notification that your child is not eligible for assistance with transport, you will have 20 working days to submit a written request to have your application reviewed by the Principal Officer. Your review will be heard within 20 working days. A written response will be sent notifying you of the outcome.

If the original decision is upheld and assistance is not granted, you will be notified of your right to go to the Stage 2 - Appeals process, whereby your application along with the review decision and any supplementary information will be considered by the Independent Transport Panel.

You will have 20 working days from receipt of the review decision to make a written request. Once the request is received, the panel will meet within 40 days to consider the information. You will then be notified in writing the outcome of the panel.

Stage One Review (Word doc, 50 KB)(opens new window)

Stage Two Appeal (Word doc, 46 KB)(opens new window)

Privacy notice

The council has a legal responsibility to protect the data it collects. You can read the School Transport Privacy Notice.

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