Childcare and Education
Stepping Up

Free! Caring for Children Level 1 Award (progression to Certificate available)
The course will help you to develop your understanding of the skills required to care for young children, whether as a parent/carer or as a first step towards a career working with children. (One 3-hour session per week for 15 weeks.) Units studied in the Award are:
- Sharing learning experiences with children
- Developing craft activities for young children
- Understanding learning and development through play
Level 2 Supporting Teaching and Learning (Free to most learners - please call for details!)
This course is for those who want to work in a school or college setting to support children's learning. The course runs 1 day a week, September to June (term time only) and requires a 1-day placement in a school/college setting. You will develop the skills needed to support teaching as well as helping children develop self-esteem, independence and skills for learning. The course is
Modules include: Safeguarding | Learning Environments | Child Development | Inclusion | Team work
Call 01744 676671 / 01744 677328 / 07702 959814