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What is a listed building?

Listed buildings are included on a national list published by Historic England in recognition of their special architectural or historic interest and to safeguard them from unsympathetic alteration and demolition. The buildings are selected according to criteria laid down by the government.

A wide variety of buildings and structures is listed for example:

  • houses
  • barns
  • bridges
  • statues
  • walls

A building is listed inside as well as out and listing applies to all elevations. Listed building consent is required for any alterations that might affect the special character of the building, including changes to internal fixtures; for example, fireplaces and door cases.

Listing also applies to structures attached to the building or within its curtilage if built before 1948. The curtilage includes the garden ground, boundary wall and outbuildings, and may include areas beyond the site that were once part of it. 

The owner of a listed building has a special responsibility to maintain it in a sound state of repair and to respect its special character.

How does a building become listed?

Any requests to get a building listed must be sent directly to Historic England, who are the deciding body - the decision is not made by the local planning authority. 

Similarly, any applications to de-list a building must also be made to Historic England.

For more information please visit Historic England.

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Last modified on 09 August 2024