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Virtual school for looked after children

The role of the virtual school

  • Monitor and promote the educational progress and achievement of looked after children and care leavers
  • Ensure that Personal Education Plans are current, relevant and effective
  • Promote and monitor the use of the Pupil Premium Grant
  • Support schools and designated teachers to develop effective strategies and support for looked after children
  • Provide advice and guidance for social workers and carers on issues relating to the education of looked after children
  • Develop and implement programmes and activities to support the education and learning of looked after children
  • Provide information, advice and guidance to looked after children and care leavers about education, employment and training
  • Ensure the educational achievement of looked after children is seen as a priority by everyone who has responsibilities for promoting their welfare
  • For previously looked after children, the virtual school will be a source of advice and information to help their parents to advocate for them as effectively as possible. The virtual school is not acting as part of the corporate parent role in these circumstances, but is there to promote the educational achievement of these children through the provision of advice and information to relevant parties.

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