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Current Scrutiny committees

The council operates the following Scrutiny committees: Adult Social Care and Health; Children and Young People Services; and Place Services.

Overview and Scrutiny Commission

The Overview and Scrutiny Commission is responsible for all overview and scrutiny functions on behalf of the council, including to appoint and work with the individual overview and scrutiny committees to develop and agree the work programmes. The Commission consider's the council's budget strategy and budget proposals made by the Cabinet. The Commission also monitors the achievement of the "Be a responsible Council" priority as set out in Our Borough Strategy 2021-30.

The Commission consists of 12 councillors, including the three Committee Chairs. In addition, two Church representatives are voting co-optees on the Commission. 

Our Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report provides a summary of the work undertaken during the 2022/23 municipal year.

Find more details of meetings of the Commission.

Adult Social Care and Health Scrutiny Committee

The Adult Social Care and Health (ASCH) Committee covers the provision of adult social care and items relating to health services including public health. The Committee also engages with, and responds to, formal and informal NHS or relevant health provider consultations in relation to any proposal for a substantial development or variation of the health service in St Helens.

The Committee monitors the achievement of the "Promote good health, independence and care across our communities" priority as set out in the Our Borough Strategy 2021-30.

Find more details of meetings of the ASCH Committee.

Children and Young People Services Scrutiny Committee

The Children and Young People Services (CYPS) Scrutiny Committee considers and scrutinises items relating to the provision and operation of children and young people's services. The Committee monitors the achievement of the "Ensure children and young people have a positive start in life" priority as set out in Our Borough Strategy 2021-30.

Because the Committee's scope covers the Council's role as a local education authority, its membership is extended to include five co-optees, who represent the primary, secondary and special school sectors and two representatives of faith communities.

Find more details of meetings of the CYPS Committee.

Place Services Scrutiny Committee

The Place Services Scrutiny Committee considers and scrutinises items concerning borough-wide economic development, environment, regeneration, housing, culture, tourism, leisure and libraries. The Committee is also designated as the responsible Committee for the review and scrutiny of crime and disorder issues, as set out in the Police and Justice Act 2006.

Furthermore, the committee is designated as the responsible committee for flood risk management, and shall undertake its responsibilities under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010.

The Committee monitors the achievement of three priorities as set out in Our Borough Strategy 2021-30: "Create safe and strong communities and neighbourhoods for all"; "Support a strong, thriving, inclusive and well-connected local economy"; and "Create green and vibrant places that reflect our heritage and culture".

Find more details of meetings of the Place Services Committee.

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