Elizabeth Court

Elizabeth Court Care Centre is a modern and specially designed two-storey Care Centre situated in a quiet residential area in Sutton, St Helens. The Centre offers a homely, secure environment with its own private grounds.
On your first arrival at Elizabeth Court Care Centre a dedicated named nurse or carer will be given prime responsibility for helping you to settle in and will draw up a personalised care plan setting out any treatments and services. This will be regularly reviewed to reflect your needs.
It is important to us that you feel at home so you are welcome to bring personal belongings for your room, photographs, ornaments or pieces of furniture, permitting that they meet Health & Safety regulations.
Family and friends are welcome to visit you at anytime, and if you let us know they are coming, we can arrange for them to have meals with you.
We offer tastefully decorated single en-suite bedrooms, each with a call system to contact staff if you need help.
For residents with physical needs, we have wheelchair access to all areas, bath lifts and specially designed shower rooms. If you have a special diet for medical, religious or cultural reasons, our chefs will happily cater for your needs, providing appetising dishes that can be eaten in your bedroom. We also serve drinks and snacks whenever you feel like refreshments.
Our team includes qualified nurses, carers, chefs, housekeepers and maintenance staff.
Manager: Jayne O'Rourke
Total number of beds: 43