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0068 2024/25
Integrated Health and Social Care
All wards
Early Intervention & Prevention (EIP) Plan
This report seeks approval to publish and implement the Early Intervention & Prevention Plan for the Borough of St Helens to support the operationalisation of the Home First model.
The purpose of this paper is to provide: The Executive Director of People and NHS Place Director with an overview of the Early Intervention & Prevention Plan. The report also seeks approval to publish and implement the plan to support the delivery of the Council's Home First model and wider partnership priorities across health and strategic housing.
Prevention is about having the right care available to people at the right time and in the right place. Unsuitable or delayed care will not meet adults or unpaid carers’ needs effectively and will likely lead to needs becoming more acute and complex. It also means supporting reablement, allowing adults to increase and/or regain their skills, confidence, and independence. The Home First model allows us to meet peoples’ needs at the most suitable level. It allows us to focus on early intervention and prevention and provide the right support in the right place at the right time to ensure individuals can remain as independent and, or at home for as long as possible. The key aims of the service include: • Increase in supported discharges for hospital Pathway 1 patients • Reduce No Criteria to Reside (NCTR) • Reduced pressure on domiciliary care services • Support fewer people requiring care or at lower levels • Reduce the waiting times for people who are waiting for essential care • Improve outcomes for independence • Place people at the centre of their care • Enable access to other services where required Home First is for people who no longer need hospital but do need formal support to go home. Long-term needs are assessed at home, rather than in a ward and the benefits of this include: • Emphasis on what’s needed for a safe discharge home • Less deconditioning waiting for assessment and / or package of care • Lower levels of assessed care needs when assessed at home • Lower levels of care needed following Home First support, due to effectiveness of therapy-led interventions, multi-disciplinary care, and Reablement support The Early Intervention & Prevention Plan has been developed to support the delivery of the home first model and is underpinned by a range of services that are delivered in partnership with Merseyside & West Lancashire Trust and wider partners including Strategic Housing. The offer brings together these services and provides a holistic approach to ensure people are discharged from hospital in a timely manner and supported to remain at home for as long as possible. The aims and objectives of these services focus on maintaining independence and providing care and support to prevent avoidable hospital admissions for some of the most vulnerable residents of St Helens. Services include: • Urgent Community Response Service • Intermediate Care • Personal Budgets • Community Equipment • Aids & Adaptations • Assistive Technology and Tec Enabled Care Measuring what matters and using evidence to track our progress is an important part of service delivery. The quantitative and qualitative data that will be collected allows the Council to see what is working well and monitor the impact of the Early Intervention and Prevention plan. This approach will enable adjustments to the processes and pathways to be made and also allow us to share the key metrics with our stakeholders, so they know how local services are performing.
The Executive Director of People and NHS Place Director is asked to approve the publication and implementation of the Early Intervention & Prevention Plan. This will ensure that the aims and objectives of the Home First approach are embedded across Health and Social Care including our strategic partners in Housing and Merseyside & West Lancashire Trust.
Failure to publish and implement the Early Intervention & Prevention plan could lead to an un-coordinated approach to delivering the home first model. This would also lead to avoidable hospital admissions, risk of delayed discharges and hinder the ability to maximise the independence and metal health and wellbeing of residents receiving care and support. This will also create avoidable cost pressures and increased pressure on staffing resources.
Publication and implementation of the Early Intervention & Prevention Plan will ensure all partners are aligned, and the aims and objectives of the home first approach are clearly communicated across all participating partners.
Please contact Darren Persand on
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