0099 2024/25 |
07/03/2025 |
Business, Culture and Leisure |
Haydock Library SEND Redesign Artist |
Following a competitive procurement exercise undertaken by representatives from St Helens Borough Council Library Service and the parent carer forum Listen4Change, ‘Emily Peasgood Studio Ltd’ has been selected to deliver the sensory redesign of Haydock Library.
This decision seeks endorsement to award the contract to ‘Emily Peasgood Studio Ltd’ for the sensory redesign of Haydock Library. This report further seeks approval to execute the necessary ‘Property Licence’ |
No |
0098 2024/25 |
04/03/2025 |
Inclusive Growth and Regeneration |
Cowley Hill Link Road – Approval of procurement approach associated with the enabling works |
Approval is sought to consent to the appointment by BXB Cowley Hill Ltd (referred to herein as ‘BXB’) of a contractor (namely DB Remediation Ltd) to lead on site remediation works across the Cowley Hill Link Road project. |
Yes |
0097 2024/25 |
04/03/2025 |
Inclusive Growth and Regeneration |
Cowley Hill Link Road - Acceptance of LCRCA Grant Funding Agreement |
Approval is sought to enter into a Grant Funding Agreement with the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCRCA) in accepting capital grant funding to enable the delivery of St Helens North Housing Access scheme, known as Cowley Hill Link Road, utilising a proportion of the £10.000m from the Strategic Investment Fund (SIF), Liverpool City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS).
The Cowley Hill Link Road Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) is also provided for further context. |
No |
0096 2024/25 |
04/03/2025 |
Inclusive Growth and Regeneration |
Cowley Hill Link Road - Acceptance of Secondary Grant Funding Agreement with BXB |
Approval is sought to enter into a Secondary Grant Funding Agreement (referred to herein as ‘Secondary Agreement’) with the developer (BXB Cowley Hill Ltd, referred to herein as ‘BXB’) of the Cowley Hill site to enable the delivery of St Helens North Housing Access scheme, known as Cowley Hill Link Road.
The Cowley Hill Link Road scheme was allocated £10m from the Strategic Investment Fund (SIF), Liverpool City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS). |
Yes |
0094 2024/25 |
04/02/2025 |
Integrated Health and Social Care |
Consultation on Proposed Care Provider Fee Uplifts 2025/26 |
This report proposes a range of fees & rates for all care providers for the FY 2025-26 and seeks permission to consult with the provider market for a maximum of 4 week. |
No |
0093 2024/25 |
01/03/2025 |
Children and Young People |
To adapt 2 Council buildings to provide an increase school capacity for children with SEND |
To approve the use of the High Needs Provision Capital Allocation (HNPCH) Grant Funding to adapt two existing buildings namely Fourways Children's Centre and Thatto Heath Children's Centre which will be operated as satellite provision by Thatto Heath and Rectory Primary Schools which increase the number of in borough school places for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) reducing the need to access high cost SEND placements from within the independent sector. |
No |
0092 2024/25 |
17/02/2025 |
Inclusive Growth and Regeneration |
Sale by Auction of Savoy Building, Bridge Street, St.Helens, WA10 1NU |
The report seeks approval to dispose of the Savoy Building at auction on 26th February 2025 with a reserve price of £420k. |
Yes |
0091 2024/25 |
17/02/2025 |
Integrated Health and Social Care |
Contact Cares service development to meet increased demand. |
Funding has been agreed at Peoples Leadership Team (PLT) to support funding permanent posts in Contact Cares Front Door and Integrated Discharge Team.
Yes |
0090 2024/25 |
13/02/2025 |
Inclusive Growth and Regeneration |
Phase Contract with The English Cities Fund (ECF) for the St Helens Multi-Modal Interchange (SHMMI) |
Approval is sought to enter into a Phase Contract with ECF for the SHMMI to allow the commencement of the SHMMI Enabling Works as outlined in the attached Development Proposal Notice (DPN), Scope of Works, and Cost spreadsheet. The SHMMI Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) is also provided for further context. |
Yes |
0089 2024/25 |
13/02/2025 |
Inclusive Growth and Regeneration |
Earlestown Regeneration Programme – Earlestown Town Hall Levelling Up Round 2 Investment |
Following a competitive procurement by the Council’s Development Partner, English Cities Fund (ECF), HH. Smith & Sons Ltd has been selected to deliver an ‘Enabling Works’ package for Earlestown Town Hall. They are also ECF’s ‘Preferred Bidder’ for the Main Works contract to implement the Council’s RIBA Stage 4 design. This report seeks endorsement for awarding the ‘Enabling Works’ contract and confirming HH. Smith & Sons as the ‘Preferred Bidder'. |
No |