Decision ref
0087 2024/25
Decision date
Business, Culture and Leisure
All wards
Community Library Grant Scheme
To create a fund which aims to support groups to establish a library offer within their community. This will be done by offering up to a maximum of £5,000 for one-off grant funding to community organisations or community interest companies who are working within St Helens Borough.
The Council recognises that there are Organisations across the borough who work closely with their communities and residents offering support, guidance and activities that are personalised, local, inclusive, and accessible, and enable people in the Borough to live healthier, happier lives and are best placed to organise and deliver some or all of the services offered by libraries.
The Council also recognises that there are costs associated with establishing a community managed library, these include furniture, IT equipment, training and books.
The Council proposes to established a fund that will be available to groups across the borough who wish work with the Council to deliver its Library Strategy. It has established a fund of £50,000 which will be available until 31st March 2026 for groups to make application too.
The fund aims to support groups to establish a library offer within their community.
This will be done by offering up to a maximum of £5,000 for one-off grant funding to community organisations or community interest companies who are working within St Helens Borough.
What is a Community Library ?
Community run and independent of the Council ranging from:
• A full library offer in a bespoke building or space dedicated solely for use as a library and which is open and staffed regularly throughout the week to offer book loans and publicly accessible computers.
• A more limited offer within an existing building such as book exchange/lending library/public access IT.
The key principle is that the offer must be publicly accessible throughout the week and the expectation is that this is deliberately managed by a community organisation and its volunteers or if applicable paid staff.
Examples of Eligible spend
• Volunteer Recruitment, training and expenses
• Shelving and other furniture
• Books/Magazines/Newspapers
• Tablets/laptops/PC for public use
• Broadband/WIFI
• Marketing/Promotion
What it won’t fund
• Trips and excursions
• Uniforms
• Employment contracts
• Applications where planning permission hasn’t already been agreed (where applicable)
• Projects that have already been funded or already being delivered.
• Project planning and consultant fees
• Running costs including utility bills.
Who can apply?
• Community organisations based in St Helens Borough, particularly small community based local groups, that encourage community spirit, engage volunteers and who need some financial support.
• Organisations with a constitution and who have a community bank account with 2 signatories (not at the same address). The account must be in the name of the community group.
• Organisations that are not for profit. (All income is used to achieve the organisation’s charitable aims and cannot be paid out to members, shareholders, or owners).
How much can groups apply for?
• Groups can apply for funds up to a maximum of £5,000. This is a one-off grant funding offer and the application should itemise the costs associated with the proposal and attach quotes.
Evaluation Criteria
• Applications in areas in the top 5% Lower Super Output Areas will score highly
- Proposals that evidence outcomes to education or training linked to the use of the community library offer will score highly.
• Proposals that target older people to access the community library offer to address social isolation will score highly.
• Proposals that target young people to access a library offer to improve literacy will score highly.
• Joint applications from 2 or more groups coming together will score highly.
• Proposals delivering a library offer in areas that do not have a Council run library will score highly.
• Applications with match funding will score highly.
Administration and Approval Process
• The grant scheme will be administered by St Helens Library Service.
• There will be a Grant Application Form which must be completed.
• A Grant Panel will meet to assess the application. This panel will be made of Library Management and Finance staff.
• If successful, applicants will receive a grant offer letter and conditions of grant form.
• Those groups in receipt of funding will agree to become part of a Community Library Network facilitated and promoted by St Helens Borough Council Library Outreach Team.
How will groups receive the funding?
• The grant will be paid in full once awarded and applicants will then be required to provide evidence of expenditure and outcomes within 12 months of award.
• Organisations who fail to provide this information are unlikely to receive any other further financial support from the Council.
St Helens Borough Council’s Library Strategy included a commitment to support community groups who wish to establish a Community Library, be that a fully functioning library or a simple book exchange within their community. Offering groups grants of up to £5,000 supports the delivery of this strategy.
Risk Implications
That a grant recipient my now use the funds for the agreed purpose
Measures to Redress Risk
Officers will work with groups to support them to develop their applications and once awarded deliver their projects
Applications will only be accepted from constituted organisations.
Declarations Of Interest
Equality Impact Assessment
More information
Please contact Dave Boocock on 01744 675408