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0088 2024/25
Supporting Neighbourhoods
St Helens Borough Council Venue Hire and Use Policy
To approve the St Helens Borough Council Venue Hire and Use Policy
To seek approval for the introduction of the Venue Hire and Use Policy setting out the circumstances in which the Council will permit the hire and use of its assets in the borough
The local authority has a statutory requirement under the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 to ensure that publicly-owned venues and resources do not provide a platform for extremists and are not used to disseminate extremist views. A mechanism for the protection of venues and resources is through the establishment of a responsible booking policy for public venues. The proposed Venue Hire & Use Policy will assist in managing and reducing the risk to ensure that local assets are protected against the use of hosting events which are not conducive to promoting cohesion, equality, diversity, or tolerance.
The Venue Hire and Use Policy provides clarity on the decision making processes undertaken by the local authority in relation to the use of assets. This Policy ensures compliance with statutory duties and maintains responsible use for Council assets.
The development of a Venue Hire and Use Policy enables the local authority to exercise controls in relation to the use of its resources and the protection against the use of resources as a platform for dissemination of extremist views.
Effective implementation of this Policy will ensure that all visitors to Council owned venues have the right to enjoy services and facilities without fear of intimidation, harassment, extremist, or threatening behaviour. Employees with responsibility in the discharge of this function will receive suitable training and guidance via an associated procedure.
Please contact Samantha Murray on 01744 676585
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