Decision ref
0089 2024/25
Decision date
Inclusive Growth and Regeneration
Newton-le-Willows West
Earlestown Regeneration Programme – Earlestown Town Hall Levelling Up Round 2 Investment
Following a competitive procurement by the Council’s Development Partner, English Cities Fund (ECF), HH. Smith & Sons Ltd has been selected to deliver an ‘Enabling Works’ package for Earlestown Town Hall. They are also ECF’s ‘Preferred Bidder’ for the Main Works contract to implement the Council’s RIBA Stage 4 design. This report seeks endorsement for awarding the ‘Enabling Works’ contract and confirming HH. Smith & Sons as the ‘Preferred Bidder'.
The purpose of this report is to allocate funding for Town Hall Enabling Works and seek endorsement to the appointment by ECF of HH. Smith and Sons Ltd to deliver said ‘Enabling Works’ package and their subsequent selection as ‘Preferred Bidder’ to cost the RIBA Stage 4 design for the building.
The regeneration of Earlestown town centre is a strategic regeneration priority for St Helens Borough Council. Guided by a Masterplan Development Framework, the Council has developed ambitious regeneration proposals that have secured Levelling Up Funding and will make a major contribution towards delivery of the Council's Borough Strategy 2021- 2030 priority to support a strong, thriving, inclusive and well-connected local economy.
The Earlestown LUF (Levelling Up Fund) 2 programme (Regeneration through Culture, Community and Heritage) will deliver three bold and transformative interventions within Earlestown’s town centre. The programme will revitalise Earlestown’s historic Market Square and surrounding public realm; reimagine its Grade-II listed vacant Town Hall as a community and workspace hub; and improve safety and amenity at its rail station. These complementary projects will drive substantial regeneration and reinvigorate Earlestown as a place in which to live, work and invest.
Following a £1m Council investment in the external restoration of the former Town Hall building in 2023, the next phase of works to restore and enhance the interior of the Grade II listed building will shortly commence. The Council’s vision for the building will see it brought back into public use with community meeting rooms, event space, flexible workspaces and a new courtyard garden and café. The main hall will be brought back to life as a performance and events space, helping to develop the evening and leisure economy in Earlestown.
The ’Town Hall Enabling Works’ programme will facilitate the accelerated delivery of construction works on site and de-risking of the main package of works via early contractor engagement. A scope of works, appended to this report at Appendix 4 and includes but is not limited to asbestos removal, structural repairs, intrusive surveys, strip out of MEP services, and removal of the mezzanine from the main hall.
The Council’s Development Partner, English Cities Fund (ECF), have undertaken a competitive procurement exercise, in accordance with the Overarching Development agreement, to appoint a construction partner to deliver the Council’s aspirations for the reimagining of Earlestown Town Hall. The exercise has resulted in HH Smith and Sons Ltd being selected to deliver the ‘Town Hall Enabling Works’ package. HH Smith & Sons, by virtue of being selected for the ‘Town Hall Enabling Works’ package, has been selected as ECF’s ‘Preferred Bidder’ to price the major works package to deliver the Council’s RIBA Stage 4 design for the Earlestown Town Hall.
Town Hall Procurement
In October 2024, Arcadis, appointed by ECF to provide specialist Project Management support to the Earlestown Regeneration Programme, developed the Earlestown Town Hall Procurement Strategy (Appendix 2) for the Town Hall project aimed at appointing a specialist contractor with expertise in heritage and conservation construction. The recommendation contained within the report was to appoint a main contractor on a two-stage tender basis with an ‘Town Hall Enabling Works’ package delivered under a Joint Contract Tribunal (JCT) minor works contract as stage one. The second stage of the process would involve the main contractor pricing the main works based on the developed RIBA Stage 4 Design.
A robust Pre-Qualification process was developed to ensure that a pool of suitably qualified and experienced contractors was sourced for the opportunity. Six bidders were invited to express an interest in the project. Following an initial assessment of their Pre-Qualification returns, four were selected to be taken forward to the next stage of the procurement process.
An Invitation to Tender (ITT) document prepared by ECF’s Cost Consultant Atkins Realis, was issued to the four bidders and a closing date for returns of 22 November 2024 was established. The ITT included a qualitative (three qualitative questions relating to key personnel, experience, cost management, and social value) and quantitative (commercial based upon delivery of an ‘Enabling Works’ package) assessment which was evaluated by representatives from ECF, Arcadis, Atkins Realis, and St Helens Borough Council (Director for Strategic Growth and Programme Lead Earlestown).
Appendix 6 details the moderated scoring for the compliant bids received for the opportunity with a 60%/40% price/quality split applied.
The recommendation following tender moderation was to appoint HH. Smith & Sons as the highest scoring bidder. The second stage of the tender process will now see HH. Smith & Sons cost the RIBA Stage 4 design whilst delivering the ‘Enabling Works’ package. Following conclusion of Stage 1 of the procurement exercise Atkins Realis developed an Earlestown Town Hall – Enabling Works and Stage 1 Tender Report which is appended to this report at Appendix 3.
To accelerate the construction programme ECF has agreed to enter the ‘Enabling Works’ Contract with HH. Smith & Sons Ltd at their own risk and have waived the need to enter a Phase Contract for this development phase. The cost of these works plus ECF fees will be recovered under the Phase Contract required for the main contract of works which, given its contract value, will be considered by the Council’s Cabinet. The total value of works commissioned by ECF is £0.388m (inclusive of a 5% contingency) and will be administered via a JCT Minor Works Contract. To enable ECF to undertake works to the Council’s property a ‘Property Licence’ is required for which there is provision under Section 3 pursuant to the terms contained in Schedule 1 contained within the ODA and is considered to provide suitable for the scope of works being undertaken.
It is expected that the ‘Enabling Works’ package will commence in February and complete by April 2025. Costing of RIBA Stage 4 design for the Town Hall will complete by end of February 2025 with main works due to start in April 2025 following completion of the ‘Enabling Works’ package, which are estimated to take 2 months.
A procurement exercise in compliance with the ODA has been undertaken by ECF. The Director for Strategic Growth and Programme Lead (Earlestown) have been a part of the evaluation process on behalf of the Council and have overseen the procurement process to ensure compliance with the ODA and Levelling Up Assurance Framework which governs the use of LUF funding.
HH. Smith & Sons are the highest scoring bidder of the procurement exercise and have a demonstrable track record of delivering heritage led construction projects. They notably completed external renovation works to The Gamble Building in St Helens which were delivered under budget and to a high-quality.
Endorsement is therefore sought to the appointment of HH. Smith and Sons by ECF to deliver an ‘Enabling Works’ packaged as contained within Appendix 4 of this report.
Risk Implications
As with other capital projects cost pressures associated with inflation and availability of materials could impact the overall project budget. This will be mitigated by ongoing review of the budget status of the programme alongside a suitable contingency provision within the project budget.
Risk management is an essential element of ongoing review and project management and is included within the Project Highlight Reports and returns to the Ministry of Housing, Communities, and Local Government. Risks are mitigated through regular contact with Project Leads and assurance meetings.
The Council’s Insurance Team and Insurers have been in direct correspondence with ECF to ensure that the property is suitably insured during the ‘Enabling Works’ programme. The necessary insurances are therefore in place and will be provided by HH. Smith & Sons for the works to commence.
To enable ECF to undertake works to the Council’s property a ‘Property Licence’ is required for which there is provision under Section 3 pursuant to the terms contained in Schedule 1 contained within the ODA and is considered to provide suitable for the scope of works being undertaken.
Measures to Redress Risk
A project contingency of 5% is contained within the project budgets and remains under review.
Declarations Of Interest
Equality Impact Assessment
More information
Please contact Mark Bingley on 01744676789