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Digital Infrastructure Project FAQs

What is the Digital Infrastructure Project?

The Digital Infrastructure Project will deliver an ultrafast, gigabit-capable network of fibre infrastructure across St Helens town centre. It seeks to address the current poor broadband coverage in the area by providing a new network that will be faster, more resilient, and will provide the next generation of digital infrastructure available for businesses and residents. This will enable and stimulate other activities such as wireless connectivity across the town centre, connecting the new multi-modal bus interchange; development sites such as Glass Futures; and heritage sites such as The World of Glass and Cannington Shaw.

Why are we doing the project?

Funded through the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government - Towns Fund Programme, this project sets out to provide better connectivity for the immediate St Helens town centre environment. Recent pandemic events have highlighted the crucial role that digital technology plays in how we live and work, accelerating the move to online for many residents, businesses, and organisations. This has also highlighted greater social inequalities, such as digital exclusion, and this project seeks to ensure that those who do not have access to sufficient connectivity are not left behind. The aim of the project is to create a digital environment in which St Helens residents and businesses can thrive, creating economic opportunities, providing better access to skills, training, and employment; and a digital infrastructure that is future proofed for new technologies in the future.

What is a fibre network?

A fibre network is built underground within ducting generally installed under the footways. It is formed of fibre optic cables, which carry data and information by light-form, creating connections between end users and the internet. The fibre network across St Helens town centre, will connect to the recently installed regional 'superspine' known as LCR Connect - which is the digital 'motorway' across Liverpool City Region. The St Helens network will also connect to the national BT network via the St Helens data exchange and will provide a minimum of 1 Gigabit of connectivity speed, with the ability to scale up if required for any high capacity/ high speed business or organisational needs.

Who can use the network?

The network will be operated and maintained by Elevate, who have been appointed by St Helens Borough Council for at least a 15 year period. The network will be what we call 'open-access' which will allow any other operator to utilise the network and directly connect customers and end users. This will be done through what we call 'tail-connections' that create the link between a shop, building or residential property and the network. Anyone will be able to buy services and connections from the network.

What is the definition of Gigabit Connectivity?

Gigabit (Gb) capable connectivity is a 1Gb capacity 'linkl using an ethernet based active service, which has dedicated bandwidth.

What are the benefits?

Benefits to businesses:

  • Increased productivity
  • Competitive and less expensive broadband service packages
  • Increase economic productivity within the Town Improvement Plan intervention area
  • Supports new ways of work, enabled by digital
  • Better cashless payment opportunities
  • Greater opportunity for supply chain linkage.

Benefits to residents:

  • Competitive broadband packages
  • Better broadband speeds and bandwidth
  • Improved connectivity for online education, media streaming, online shopping, and gaming.

Benefits to the public:

  • Enables the potential for public access wi-fi within St Helens town centre - creating a better visitor and user experience
  • Introduces SMART technology into existing community assets - ie library services
  • Enablement of other technologies such as next generation wireless and 5G

Does this have anything to do with 5G?

This network will not deliver 5G, however, for those who live and work in St Helens town centre it is essential that fast and reliable connectivity is available, whether that that fixed fibre in the ground or wireless mobile connectivity. The Digital Infrastructure Network will enable the future expansion of better mobile connectivity and is the foundation for a range of connectivity options, including but not limited to 4G and 5G.

When will the network be ready?

Our network is planned to be operational by the summer of 2026.

How is the project funded?

The funding for the project will come from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government - Towns Fund Deal, a funding scheme launched by the government for towns like St Helens to improve their economy.

How long will the build take?

The build is planned to start in spring of 2025 and is programmed for completion by summer 2026.

Will you need to dig up the road?

Yes - as part of installing new ducting into the ground to create the network, we may have to dig up either the road, footway, cycle ways or grass verges. We will try to avoid this as much as possible to minimise disruption to residents and businesses within St Helens town centre by utilising existing ducting and taking a 'dig once' approach.

What is 'dig once'?

The dig once approach seeks to coordinate the installation of any underground apparatus whilst other works are undertaken, such as highway repairs or other town centre projects (typically new footways and public realm works) either managed by the council or other external organisations.

This collaborative way of working between organisations that are working within the highway reduces disruption to businesses and residents.

Will there be any environmental impact as a result of building the network?

By utilising dig once opportunities, the scheme will significantly reduce its environmental impact from materials consumption, travel and carbon emissions from machinery required. We will aim to reuse as much material as possible that is excavated from the trenching works, and where appropriate we will use recycled material when reinstating any trenches, ensuring the finish is to a high standard and will last.

If you have any queries that are not covered by our FAQs please contact us via 

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Last modified on 11 February 2025