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Consumer advice

If you need advice on how to resolve a dispute relating to goods or service you have purchased, please note that this service is provided by Citizens Advice. You can call their consumer helpline on 0808 223 1133 or visit the Citizens Advice website

Details of all consumer enquiries, dealt with by Citizens Advice, are sent to Trading Standards. This information is reviewed and risk assessed to enable us to target the use of our resources in the most effective way. 

St Helens Borough Council Trading Standards does not operate a consumer advice service and is unable to respond directly to requests for consumer advice.   

If you wish to report an issue where you believe that a business is breaking the law, such as selling age-restricted products to children, selling unsafe products or counterfeit goods, please report the issue to the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline. Citizens Advice will inform Trading Standards and we will contact you if we need further information. 

If you are seeking information on finding a reliable local tradesman, please visit our Trader Register website.

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Last modified on 23 March 2022