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Council committee information

Please find below details of the council and its committees.

By selecting each heading you will find further information on each committee, including membership, and planned meeting dates and times, as well as all the agendas and minutes of that particular meeting.


Council is a meeting comprising of all 48 elected members. It is run according to formal rules of debate as laid out in the council's Constitution (for more information on the Constitution, please see below).


The Council Executive Arrangements are that of a Leader and Cabinet model, which is formed by the majority party.

The Leader is appointed by Council at its annual meeting. The Leader then appoints the other members of the Cabinet, who are responsible for a particular area of council business called a 'portfolio'. 

The Leader and Cabinet are responsible for leading on developing council policies, plans and strategies in line with the budget adopted by the full Council, monitoring the council budget and performance, making day-to-day decisions on resources and representing the council at a national and local level.

Regulatory and others

Appointments Committee
Licensing and Environmental Protection Committee
Licensing Sub-Committee
People's Board
Personnel Appeals Committee
Planning Committee
Sarah Cowley Committee
Standards Committee


Audit and Governance Committee

Overview and Scrutiny

Overview and Scrutiny Commission
Adult Social Care and Health Scrutiny Committee
Children and Young People Services Scrutiny Committee
Place Services Scrutiny Committee

Read more about Scrutiny

All our meetings are currently live streamed. View the meetings.
To see the schedule of upcoming meetings, view the committee calendar.

To access the web library 


The Constitution is a written legal document that directs the council on its decision-making processes.

It sets out how the council operates, how decisions are made and the procedures that are followed to ensure that these decisions are efficient, transparent and accountable to local people. Some of these processes are required by the law, while others are a matter for the council to choose.

The Constitution is divided into 16 articles, which set out the basic rules governing the council's business. 

  • Article 1 of the Constitution commits the council to exercising all its powers and duties in accordance with the law and this Constitution.
  • Articles 2-16 explain the rights of citizens and how the key parts of the council operate.

View the council's Constitution.

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Last modified on 03 February 2025