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0082 2024/25
Finance and Governance
All wards
2025-2026 Council Taxbase
To approve the council taxbase of the Council and each Parish Council for 2025-2026.
The purpose of this report is to seek approval for the 2025-2026 council taxbases of the Council and each Parish Council.
At its meeting on 11 January 2023, Cabinet approved the delegated authority to the Council’s Section 151 Officer, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Corporate Services (Now Finance and Governance), to approve the council taxbases of the Council and its parishes. A copy of the Cabinet report is attached below. The Council must, by law, determine its council taxbase for the forthcoming financial year and notify the figure to its precepting authorities by 31 January 2025. Council taxbases must similarly be determined in relation to each of the Parish Council areas falling within the Borough. The calculation to determine the council tax bases is performed in accordance with all relevant legislation and represents the estimated equivalent number of ‘Band D’ properties within the respective areas. For 2025-2026 the proposed council taxbase for St Helens is 53,700 and for each Parish Council as follows: Windle 986 Billinge 2,036 Seneley Green 1,377 Rainford 3,000 Bold 1,159 Rainhill 3,720 Eccleston 3,929 Further detail in relation to the calculated council taxbases for 2025-2026 is attached below.
This report provides detail and seeks approval of the proposed council tax base figures for 2025-2026.
Please contact Tara Kirkham on 01744 673228
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