Decision ref
0084 2024/25
Decision date
Children and Young People
All wards
Childcare Expansion Capital Grant
To award Successful funding bids in line with the funding methodology agreed via DED 0028 24/25
The purpose of the report is to seek approval to allocate capital funding to support the expansion of free childcare.
From April 2024, the existing entitlement to free childcare for the children of eligible working parents is being expanded nationally. Local authorities have a duty to secure sufficient childcare, so far as is reasonably practicable. The expansion is phased as follows:
- from April 2024, eligible parents of two-year-olds will receive 15 hours of free childcare per week;
- from September 2024, eligible parents of children aged between 9 months and two years will receive 15 hours of free childcare per week;
- from September 2025, eligible parents of children aged between 9 months and four years will receive 30 hours of free childcare per week.
In addition to the expansion of free childcare described above, primary schools are being encouraged to increase the supply of wraparound care (available from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.) to families in order to tackle barriers to working.
Capital funding has been made available to local authorities to support the expansion of childcare places. Locally, St Helens has received a capital allocation of £329k.
As per DED 0028 24/25, Panel have met and recommend that the Authority approve bids for projects at Day Dreams Nursery Limited, Eccleston Mere Primary School – Acorns, Rainford CE Primary School, Rainhill Community Nursery School, The Woodlands Nursery and Tower Tots Ltd for the Early Years element of the funding and Grange Valley Primary School and Rainford CE Primary School for the Wrap around element of the funding
The Authority have received notification that all of the bids have been accepted and the individual projects have been awarded:
Day Dreams Nursery Limited - £69,622.02
Eccleston Mere Primary School – Acorns - £8,039
Rainford CE Primary School - £3,675.80
Rainhill Community Nursery School - £72,000
The Woodlands Nursery - £36,000
Tower Tots Ltd – £43,077.72
Grange Valley Primary School - £9,103
Rainford CE Primary School - £5,272.06
This awards £246,789.60 out of the £328,897.81 allocated.
The funding detailed above represents the capital grant awarded by the DfE towards the total cost of the project.
The DfE funding terms and conditions will be written into a Grant agreement form (attached) with each provider and funding will not be supplied if the Terms and Conditions are not met
Factors that have been considered when assessing bids include project feasibility, value for money, potential adverse impact on the stability of the provider, the likely impact on existing local provision, the extent to which wider pipeline school expansion schemes will affect existing capacity, the accessibility of places to all children (including those with SEND), and the extent to which the project will provide additional capacity in those areas of the borough where demand for places is predicted to exceed existing supply.
All of the above settings reside in areas of need in accordance to our own internal sufficiency data.
In conclusion, it is recommended that capital funding for the expansion of funded childcare is allocated in accordance with the decision made by panel using the attached Grant Agreement form with providers.
Risk Implications
Failure of the provider to deliver a financially viable business.
Measures to Redress Risk
All providers who were successful have a good track record in Early Years Childcare and are rated highly by Ofsted.
Declarations Of Interest
Equality Impact Assessment
More information
Please contact Alison Naylor on 01744 676542