Decision ref
0093 2024/25
Decision date
Children and Young People
All wards
To adapt 2 Council buildings to provide an increase school capacity for children with SEND
To approve the use of the High Needs Provision Capital Allocation (HNPCH) Grant Funding to adapt two existing buildings namely Fourways Children's Centre and Thatto Heath Children's Centre which will be operated as satellite provision by Thatto Heath and Rectory Primary Schools which increase the number of in borough school places for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) reducing the need to access high cost SEND placements from within the independent sector.
To ensure the proposed programme of work is approved for inclusion within timescales to allow for the proposed schemes to be designed and developed within the required delivery dates. The importance of undertaking schemes where possible within school holidays is vital to prevent disruption to the running of the schools.
HNPCA Grants are being provided as an un-ringfenced grant under section 31 of the Local Government Act 2003.
Whilst it is ultimately up to local authorities to determine how to best prioritise this funding to address local priorities, we want to work alongside them to reform the current system and achieve our shared endeavour to secure a financially sustainable high needs system. The SEND Improvement Plan will be the vehicle for some of these changes although with the increased level of capital investment being made available, we also expect local authorities to have had a keen eye on the efficiencies that need to be made by 2025 and to invest their capital allocations accordingly.
Funding beyond 2025 is contingent on the outcomes of future Spending Reviews and additional capital funding beyond this period cannot be guaranteed; it is therefore critical that prudent decisions are taken now to ensure the sustainability of the system for the longer-term. We recognise that the creation of additional places in state settings, whether in mainstream or special provision, will be an important factor in helping the system reduce overall cost pressures, including those associated with out-of-area placements and recent increases in the use of more expensive independent provision. To that end, we are providing this funding with the aim that it should primarily be used to meet the capital costs associated with providing new places and improving existing provision, for:
• children and young people with complex needs, who have Education, Health and Care plans (EHCPs), and where appropriate other SEND pupils without an EHCP;
• children and young people who require AP (including children in AP settings without an EHCP).
Whilst HNPCA funding is predominantly intended for school aged children, local authorities are free to choose to spend it across the 0-25 age range, including in dedicated post-16 institutions or other FE settings.
It is recognised that ensuring the sufficiency of high needs provision can also require local authorities to adapt, re-model or improve existing provision to make it appropriate or suitable for a different or wider set of pupil needs. Accordingly, HNPCA funding includes an element specifically intended to support local authorities to invest in suitability and/or accessibility projects where this may be appropriate.
The capital schemes proposed represent work that the Council needs to commit to in order to increase the number of SEND places available in borough to reduce the reliance on high cost independent alternatives. This approach will ensure our children have a positive start in life and ensure the Council is acts responsibly in relation the effective and efficient use of resources.
Subject to approval the Buildings and Facilities Team will support the development and delivery of these schemes and apply the required processes in accordance with the Council's Contract Procedure Rules. Separate Delegated Executive Decisions or Operational Decisions will be brought forward as appropriate to award contracts to deliver individual schemes and conform budget requirments.
Risk Implications
There are risks associated with the actual costs of the works to be undertaken exceeding estimated costs. Also, there is a risk associated with works not being completed within planned timescales, and the condition of the existing buildings deteriorating if work can only be completed during school holidays.
There are also financial risks associated with the additional use of high cost out of borough independent school without the provision of this additional school capacity.
Measures to Redress Risk
Costs are closely monitored and revised at appropriate stages e.g. pre tender design and tender award. This enables forecast costs to be revised and funding implications to be determined. From initial development, the progress of schemes is closely monitored through regular meetings with the Buildings and Facilities Team to ensure works are progressing as scheduled with contractors to minimise the potential for any disruption due to delays occurring.
Declarations Of Interest
Equality Impact Assessment
More information
Please contact Jason Pickett on 01744 671632