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0094 2024/25
Integrated Health and Social Care
All wards
Consultation on Proposed Care Provider Fee Uplifts 2025/26
This report proposes a range of fees & rates for all care providers for the FY 2025-26 and seeks permission to consult with the provider market for a maximum of 4 week.
The purpose of this report is to provide the Director of Adult Social Services with a list of proposed fees & rates based on a single fee rate to be implemented from April 2025, and to seek permission to enter into a period of consultation with the provider market for a maximum of four weeks.
The proposed fee increases that the Council proposes to consult on range from 4.67% to 5.97% and are based on a single fee rate. It is the view of the Council that this will support in creating a fair sustainable market across the care sector. The consultation exercise will be conducted over a maximum period of 4 weeks which should be sufficient time for providers to consider the proposed fees and provide feedback. The consultation process will include a survey for completion by providers. The proposed fees and rates contained within this report do not include proposed fee increases to CHC rates. The Council is still awaiting confirmation of the CHC rate for FY2025/26 from ICB partners (St Helens Place).
The Director of Adult Social Services is asked to approve a period of consultation with all care providers for a maximum of 4 weeks. The purpose of the consultation is to seek feedback on the proposed fees and rates structure for FY 2025/26 and based on a single fee rate.
There is a risk that care providers do not accept the proposed fees for 2025/26. Further discussion will prolong the fee setting process and increase the financial risk. In addition to this any requests for fee uplifts from out of borough providers may exceed the budgetary provision and introduce an additional financial pressure during 2025/26.
The consultation exercise will provide an opportunity for providers to review the proposed rates and provide feedback in relation to any issues or challenges they feel may impact on their ability to provide care and support. This will provide an opportunity for commissioners to risk assess whether or not there are any areas of care and support that would be at risk as a result of introducing the proposed fee rate structure for FY 2025/26. Any significant financial risks will be reviewed in partnership with the Finance Business Partner and within the context of the current financial challenges faced by the Council.
Please contact Darren Persand on
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