Decision ref
0099 2024/25
Decision date
Business, Culture and Leisure
Haydock Library SEND Redesign Artist
Following a competitive procurement exercise undertaken by representatives from St Helens Borough Council Library Service and the parent carer forum Listen4Change, ‘Emily Peasgood Studio Ltd’ has been selected to deliver the sensory redesign of Haydock Library.
This decision seeks endorsement to award the contract to ‘Emily Peasgood Studio Ltd’ for the sensory redesign of Haydock Library. This report further seeks approval to execute the necessary ‘Property Licence’
The purpose of this report is to seek endorsement to the appointment by ‘Emily Peasgood Studio Ltd’ to deliver the sensory redesign of Haydock Library, co-produced with children, young people, adults and families who have lived experience of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
In order to carry out the works a ‘Property Licence’ is required and this report seeks approval for the Director of Legal and Governance to execute such agreement as provided within the Overarching Development Agreement between St Helens Borough Council and Emily Peasgood Studio Ltd.
St Helens Library Service is at the heart of the Council’s ambition to reduce inequalities. The vision within the St Helens Library Strategy 2023-28 is to deliver a Library Service that is inclusive, vibrant, valued, excellent, responsive to customer needs and at the heart of communities. It is therefore an ambition for the Library Service to establish its first library which moves beyond being Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) friendly to SEND led.
The Library Strategy includes the intention for Haydock Library to become the first fully sensory library for children, young people and adults with SEND in the borough. This project is funded through Arts Council England’s Libraries Improvement Fund with a contribution from the NHS Clinical Commissioning Group.
St Helens Borough Council Library Service has a network of seven public libraries within the Borough of St Helens and delivers an expansive offer to its residents including: physical and digital loaning of books to encourage a love of reading, provision of pcs and printing facilities, access to learning opportunities to develop digital skills, activities to connect people and reduce social isolation and a wide ranging events programme for children to inspire creativity, support wellbeing, and develop speech and language and school readiness.
St Helens Borough Council’s Library Service was awarded Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisation status in 2018 to continue to deliver its arts in Libraries programme, which continues to grow in strength, ambition, and popularity.
In the spirit of the national SEND agenda, the project will be co-created with children, young people adults and families from the outset who have lived experience. All meetings and decisions will be person-centered and will have children and young people at the heart. This project is not just a library refurbishment, nor a tokenistic approach to inclusivity; rather a holistic project with buy-in from the target cohort right at project start. Improving the look, feel and offer within Haydock Library for SEND needs will benefit not just this cohort, but everyone who uses the library as it will make the space fully sensory-supportive, inclusive and a lovely place to spend time.
The aims are:
To ensure the re-design is supportive of SEND needs.
To create a unique Library space, that is a joy and inspiration to visit.
That the co-production model will serve as a blueprint for future development of the six other libraries in St Helens, for wider regeneration projects in St Helens and possibly even for the wider Library sector.
The project outcome is to offer a library that excites and stimulates imagination and that specifically attracts children and young people with SEND. By encouraging library usage, it is expected that reading for pleasure, increased access to digital technology through fun and learning and reduced social isolation are all enhanced.
An ambitious redesign of the library will make it look and feel like an exciting space to spend time and meet the Library Strategy vision of developing modern, inspiring libraries that increase/improve digital access within communities, connect libraries to their communities and increase library use.
STAR Procurement, acting on behalf of St Helens Council invited an artist, interior designer, architect, or suitable consortium/collaborative partnership to tender a quotation for the provision of those services described:
Creative Transformation of Haydock Library Interior
St Helens Borough Council Library Service wish to commission an artist, interior designer, architect, or suitable consortium/collaborative partnership to undertake a project to:
Undertake the sensory redesign of Haydock Library, co-produced with children, young people, adults and families who have lived experience of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
This project is funded through Arts Council England’s Libraries Improvement Fund with a contribution from the NHS Clinical Commissioning Group.
The successful applicant will work in partnership with St Helens Borough Council Library Service and the Project Steering Group members including Adult Social Care and Health, Children and Young People’s Services, NHS, Listen 4 Change and parent/user representation.
The project is to be completed by January 2026 with a view to the opening of the refurbished Library in February 2026.
An Invitation to Tender (ITT) document prepared by STaR Procurement, was issued on The Chest a closing date for returns of 16 November 2024 was established. The ITT included Qualitative Method Statement question(s) (four qualitative questions relating to budget, understanding the needs of people with SEND, experience of design, environmental responsibility) carrying a weighting of 40% of the overall marks available. and quantitative (social value) assessment carrying a weighting of 20% of the overall marks available. This is split between a quantitative response 10% and qualitative response 10%.
The applications were evaluated by representatives from St Helens Borough Council Library Service and the parent carer forum Listen4Change.
The suppliers who were successful at this stage were invited to participate in a stage two interview stage with a 40% weighting. Presentation 20% (delivery in time /on budget) Questions (Co-production 10% Quality 10%).
The Table below details the moderated scoring with a 60%/40% application/presentation split applied.
Table 1. Moderated Scores
E. Peasgood Bidder 2 Bidder 3
Qualitative Score 48.93% 38.80% 39.19%
Presentation 32.50 % 38.00% 32.00%
Total Score 87.43% 76.80% 71.19%
The recommendation following tender moderation was to appoint Emily Peasgood Studio Ltd as the highest scoring bidder.
To enable Emily Peasgood Studio Ltd to undertake works to the Council’s property a ‘Property Licence’ is required.
Subject to execution of the ‘Property Licence’, it is expected the engagement with relevant SEND user groups to begin in February 25 following the awarding of the contract. Design stage will commence in March 25 followed by installation stage in October 25. The project will to be completed by January 2026 with a view to the opening of the refurbished Library in February 2026
A procurement exercise has been undertaken by representatives from St Helens Borough Council Library Service and the parent carer forum Listen4Change. Star Procurement have overseen the procurement process to ensure compliance with the ODA.
Emily Peasgood Studio Ltd are the highest scoring bidder of the procurement exercise and have a demonstrable track record of relevant experience, skills, knowledge and uunderstanding of the needs of people with SEND. The team have experience in a co-creation model of working and designing creative and inspiring spaces. They notably completed artist led design projects which were delivered under budget and to a high-quality.
Endorsement is therefore sought to the appointment of Emily Peasgood Studio Ltd to deliver the redesign of Haydock Library, and their suitably appointed team members and contractors, to undertake work to Council property, for which there is provision within the ODA. This report therefore also seeks approval for the Director of Legal and Governance to execute the necessary documentation for the works to be undertaken.
Risk Implications
Cost pressures associated with inflation and availability of materials could impact the overall project budget. This will be mitigated by ongoing review of the budget status of the programme alongside a suitable contingency provision. Risk management is an essential element of ongoing review and project management and is included within the Activity Reports and returns to Arts Council England. Risks are mitigated through regular contact with Project Leads and assurance meetings.
The Council’s Insurance Team and Insurers will be in direct correspondence with Emily Peasgood Studio Ltd to ensure that the property is suitably insured during the redesign programme.
Measures to Redress Risk
A suitable project contingency is contained within the project budgets and remains under review. Risks are mitigated through regular contact with Project Leads and assurance meetings.
Declarations Of Interest
Equality Impact Assessment
More information
Please contact Mandi Brown on 01744 677493