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New Adult Safeguarding Board independent chair appointed Helens Borough Council has confirmed Geoffrey Appleton as the new independent chair of the Adult Safeguarding Board for the local authority area. Article dat...
Chelsea Pensioners welcomed to St Helens Town Hall as part of outreach programme Helens Borough Council had the pleasure of hosting 15 Chelsea Pensioners at the town hall this week as part of a national outreach programme to connect with ...
Have your say on buildings of local historic interest and community groups with an interest in heritage are being encouraged to nominate buildings, structures and sites of local historical significance fo...
Carnival-of-Creativity Offical comms Poster (Image (gif; jpeg; png)) Offical comms Poste
Walkabout Performance Symbol (Image (gif; jpeg; png)) Performance Symbol
A Space for Whispering Symbol (Image (gif; jpeg; png)) Space for Whispering Symbol
Formal parks and open spaces many parks and green spaces of St Helens are an essential part of its character and identity. They should increasingly play an important role in making the ...
Bowling greens Bowling Greens are open from April to Mid October Bowling greens are a great place for people of all ages to meet and spend time either playing bowls or jus...
Supported Accommodation is supported accommodation? Supported accommodation refers to properties which are usually provided by a housing association, registered charity or a non-p...
How much does it cost? current cost for first-tier service (2024-2025) is: £6.40 per week £ 27.73 per month £ 332.80 per year This covers the monitoring and response service an...