On Thursday 8 May 2025, the nation will mark the 80th anniversary of VE Day to celebrate 80 years of peace since the end of World War II in Europe.
If you are thinking of holding a street party, you can find information below to help you plan your event and also submit an application to us. The council will waive the usual road closure fee.
Guide to organising your street party
Let you neighbours know
Please let everyone on your street know about your plans as early as possible. Posting a letter through neighbour's doors is an opportunity to share your plans, request their involvement and invite them to the event. It should include:
the event date
the start and end time including set up and clear up
the event location marked on a map
details of any proposed road closure including timings highlighting when vehicles cannot be moved, including a map is always helpful
information about the event including food and drink, music, entertainment, bunting and street decoration
the opportunity to feedback or ask questions, or ask for help in organising the event
Please note:You must forward details of any objection you receive as you become aware of it. Most objections can be resolved through discussion between the objector, organiser(s), and occasionally a Council Officer, however the wishes of all residents must be taken into consideration.
Alternatively you can organise a Street Meet. A Street Meet is a street party without closing your road, for example a gathering in your front garden or on your driveways. You do not need permission from St Helens Borough Council for a Street Meet.
Street Party Do's and Don'ts
If you have been given permission to host a street party, the event must be:
organised for residents and neighbours only
free to attend
on a residential road (for example a cul-de-sac or where traffic is not able to access another road from the event road) where only resident traffic will be affected.
The event must not:
damage the road surface
disrupt local residents with music or other noise
be on a major route
be on a bus route
be on a road which needs to be used to access shops or other businesses
be on a road which provides access to a public car park (other than a residents only car park)
involve any commercial activity within the road closure area.
You must make sure:
all rubbish is cleared up
signs are clearly visible to all road users
access is still possible by emergency service vehicles
disabled drivers can still access disabled parking bays.