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Are you a child or young person who has concerns for yourself or another young person?

If you are a child who is suffering from harm, neglect or abuse or are worried that another child may be suffering you can:

  • Talk to someone outside your family that you trust like a teacher, school nurse, police officer or other person in authority.
  • Contact Childline. Child Line is a private and confidential service for children and young people up to the age of 19. You can contact a Child Line counsellor about anything -no problem is too big or too small. Call free on 0800 1111, have a 1-2-1 chat online or send an email.
  • Contact the MASH Team via contact cares on 01744 676767 and speak to someone from Social Care. A Social Worker works for the government and their job is to help you if you need to be protected from harm.
  • Contact Merseyside Police on 101 (24 hour non-emergency number). In an emergency always dial 999. It is the Police's job to protect you from harm and stop crimes being committed against you or other children.

There is a lot of support available for children and young people in St Helens and this can be accessed without calling MASH.


Support for children and Young People

THRIVE Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Support Service for children and young people who are having difficulties with their mental health 01744 415 640

Young minds offer support around a range of issues including domestic abuse, mental health and coping with life

Barnardo's Resilience Service Secondary school age children and young people in St Helens with low level emotional health and wellbeing issues

NACOAfree helpline 0800 358 3456 (information, advice and support for anyone affected by a parents drinking) alternatively you can access their website for further information on

YPDAATfor Young Peoples Drug and Alcohol Support

TAZ- For young people who need relationship and sexual health support call 01744 627697

Young carers for children who are supporting another person in their family


Support for families.

ADFAM provides support for families affected by substance misuse including online guides and access to support services. 

Family Hubs provide access to a range of services and support for families within St Helens including information and access to a number of different agencies.

SEND local offer-

BABs- Building Bonds and Breaking relationship cycles. Working with parents who have insecure attachments and poor mental health based on their own ACE's- 0151 351 8801

CGL- For adults who need support in relation to drugs and alcohol

Home start- Family Support/School Readiness/Young Persons Mentoring & Sleep Management. Volunteer's complete home visits to support families. Volunteers can provide emotional and practical support having life and lived experiences. Alternatively, volunteers provide play sessions in the home that encourage child's development, supporting them to become school ready for life's next chapter.

Chrysalis Centre for Change- Chrysalis Centre for Change is a female Mental Health and Domestic Abuse Charity offering emotional support, personal development courses, and one to one therapy to women- 01744 451309

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Last modified on 07 June 2024