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Families in Harmony referrals (supporting families you work with)

Supporting families with parental conflict

Referral pathway

The St Helens Families in Harmony Programme multi agency team have developed the Families in Harmony Pathway which has parenting programmes for parents/carers whether in a relationship or separated.

The programmes offer strategies and support with improving relationships and resolving conflict to achieve the best outcomes for children.  Practitioners can refer to the the families in harmony panel which meets fortnightly and we ask that you send your referral through by a Thursday at the latest.  Please note that where domestic abuse is identified please follow the domestic abuse pathway. If practitioners are uncertain whether the intervention needed is for domestic abuse or parental conflict interventions, we recommend that a MERIT form is completed. 

Digital Resources

We also now have digital resources that are designed to help parents reflect on conflict in their relationship with current or ex-partners, and the impact of parental conflict on their children.  The resources use videos and animations which incorporate evidence-based techniques to promote behaviour change. 

There are three programmes 

Me, You and Baby Too - helps new and expectant parents adapt to the changes that parenthood can have on their relationship, while raising awareness of the impact of stress and conflict on their baby. Parents completing this course will develop the skills to manage their conflict more constructively. 

Arguing Better - helps raise awareness of parental conflict and its impact on children. It gives parents the skills to cope with stress together and manage their conflict more constructively. 

Getting it Right for Children - uses Behaviour Modelling Training techniques to help separating parents see how they are putting their children in the middle of their conflict. It helps parents to develop positive communication skills, so that they can parent co-operatively and work out solutions together. 

Accessing the above digital resources

To support us in gathering information on the families we are supporting and identify further improvements, we ask that professionals gain consent and provide us with details of the parents/carers that they would like to share the above resources with by completing the  One plus one digital tools request form (Word doc) [32KB]   and sending this to the email box:

Further reading

Supporting health relationships in parents with children with behaviours that challenge (PDF) [834KB]

Talking about parental relationships (PDF) [293KB]



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Last modified on 09 April 2024