CCTV in Licensed Vehicles
If you are interested in installing CCTV into your licensed vehicle, you must first contact us to ensure that the system you are planning to purchase meets the approved standard.
Application Process
- If you wish to apply for the approval of a CCTV system, you must check to ensure that the system is on our approved list. If the CCTV system is not on our approved list, you must provide us with the contact details of the supplier and we will ask them to complete an application form to become an approved supplier of CCTV systems (PDF, 123 KB)(opens new window) (an application will have to be completed for each CCTV system). If the CCTV system is already on our approved list you can move onto step 3.
- Once the supplier has completed the application form to add the CCTV system to our approved list and have supplied evidence that the CCTV system complies with our requirements, the CCTV system will be added to our approved list. If the CCTV system is not approved then we will provide reasons for the decision made. Each decision will be treated on its own merits.
- Once the CCTV system has been approved, you will need to complete an application form to install a CCTV system into your hackney carriage or private hire vehicle (PDF, 142 KB)(opens new window) and submit it to us by email.
- Upon receipt of your application form (providing the information is correct and the CCTV system is on our approved list) you will be sent an approval letter.
- After you have received your approval letter you will then be able to install the CCTV system into your vehicle.
List of Approved CCTV Systems
Supplier Name | Supplier Address | Supplier Contact Number | Supplier Email | Supplier Website | Make & Model of CCTV System | Date Approved |
ACSS | Metalflakes Building, Oakcroft Road, Chessington, Surrey, KT9 1RH | 0208 391 8367 | | | Economical CCTV SD Card System - ACM1B-AHD | 20 February 2024 |
ACSS | Metalflakes Building, Oakcroft Road, Chessington, Surrey, KT9 1RH | 0208 391 8367 | | | Advanced CCTV HDD Card System- ACX1N-HD | 14 March 2024 |
Kasava | Woolwich House, 43 George Street, Croydon, CR0 1LB | 0208 102 9888 | | KDC 702i | 20 February 2024 | |
Safe Systems CCTV Ltd | Unit 12 New Hall Hey Business park, Rossendale, BB4 6HL | 01706 551212 | | Safe Systems 605 | 28 February 2024 | |
4Eyez | Sheffield Technology Parks, Arundel St, Sheffield City Centre, Sheffield S1 2NS | 0114 2998694 | | | 4Eyez SDVR 104F | 27 March 2024 |
Minimum CCTV System Specifications
Any CCTV system which is to be install in your licensed vehicle must meet the following requirements as a minimum:
- The system must have a date and time stamp.
- The system must be able to retain images for a minimum of 7 days.
- The system must be able to record clear images in low light conditions.
- Images recorded must be stored in a manner that prevents them from being removed, downloaded, or viewed by the driver.
- The images recorded by the system must be digitally encrypted.
- The data unit must be stored separately from the cameras and out of view of the driver.
- Cameras must be fitted in such a way so as to not affect the safety of passengers travelling in the vehicle.
- The capture area of the cameras must not extend outside of the vehicle.
- The system must be stamped with the EMC (Electro Magnetic Certification) logo.
Please note that audio recording is not permitted.
Upon the successful installation of the CCTV system into your vehicle, your hackney carriage or private hire vehicle licence will be subject to additional conditions to ensure that the CCTV system are appropriately maintained so as not to interfere with the safety and comfort of passengers, as well as ensuring the integrity of any images captured.
The additional conditions are:
- No CCTV system shall be installed in a vehicle unless it has been previously approved by the Council.
- No CCTV system shall be installed in a vehicle without the prior written consent of the Council.
- No cameras shall be installed in a vehicle without the prior written consent of the Council as to the number and location of such cameras. The number and location of cameras shall not be varied without the prior written consent of the Council.
- An advisory notice provided by the Council shall be displayed inside the vehicle on each of the rear passenger windows. The notices shall be positioned in a prominent position where they can be easily read by persons inside and outside of the vehicle. The proprietor(s) shall ensure that the notices are maintained in a clean and legible condition.
- The proprietor(s) shall ensure that the system is properly and regularly maintained and serviced in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions by a suitably qualified person. Written records of all maintenance and servicing shall be made and retained by the proprietor for a minimum of 12 months. Such written records shall be made available on demand by an Authorised Officer or Police Officer.
- Upon request for image retrieval by an Authorised Officer or Police Officer the proprietor(s) shall ensure that the images are made available to the system administrator and the officer making the request as soon as reasonably practicable, and in any event within 7 days of the request.
- The proprietor(s) of the vehicle shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that any driver of the vehicle is made aware of every condition in relation to any installed CCTV system and has been given adequate instruction regarding the need for the system to be made available as soon as reasonable practicable and in any event within 7 days of any request for an image retrieval being made by an Authorised Officer or Police Officer.
- The proprietor(s) shall ensure that notification is lodged with the Information Commissioner to cover the purposes for which the CCTV system is used.
General Information
Licensing will not have any access to your CCTV system and will only request a copy of footage, as per your conditions of licence, should there be an incident reported to us which requires this.