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General information - Renewal and refused applications applications Renewal applications will be sent during the summer term for the new academic year. Refused applications If your child is refused a assista...
General information - Lost bus pass your child loses their bus pass, a replacement bus pass can be purchased from the School Transport Team. The cost of the bus pass depends on whether your chi...
General information - Privacy notice council has a legal responsibility to protect the data it collects. You can read the .
Privacy notice's Services - Home to School Travel The information you have supplied on your Home to School Transport Application Form is collected by St Helens Borough...
My child attends primary school - Primary school transport will only be processed from households who pay their Council Tax to St Helens Borough Council. Applications will be processed in accordance with th...
My child attends primary school - Statutory criteria your child is attending the nearest qualifying school* with places and the safest walking distance** from your home to school is more than two miles, and you...
My child attends primary school - Low income criteria your child is entitled to free school meals or you are in receipt of maximum working tax credit, and your child is attending the nearest school, you may be e...
My child attends primary school - Renewal and refused applications applications Renewal applications will be sent during the summer term for the new academic year. Refused applications If your child is refused a assista...
My child attends primary school - Lost bus pass your child loses their bus pass, a replacement bus pass can be purchased from the School Transport Team. The cost of the bus pass depends on whether your chi...
Public health issues