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Cabinet to reconsider Library Strategy will be asked to review the decision taken on the Library Strategy earlier this year. This is to allow for additional consultation work with members of ...
Community safety partners report on a year of action of the Safer St Helens Executive are reflecting on the second year of action and the challenges that lie ahead for the body.
Reusable nappies you ever considered reusable nappies? What are reusable nappies? Cloth nappies are nappies that are washed and reused multiple times as opposed to disposab...
Housing and rent Benefit - claim housing benefit or check if you're entitled Universal Credit - information on how to claim and if you're eligible Discretionary Housing...
Health, Mental Health and Wellbeing
Local World Cup events and exhibitions number of events and exhibitions have taken place in our libraries and elsewhere in St Helens as part of the Rugby League World Cup Cultural Festival . This a...
School programmes and activities - educational resource The Rugby League World Cup 2021 launched an education resource programme as a way of inspiring the next generation of rugb...
Our World Cup legacy fund rugby league clubs in St Helens have received grant funding from our Rugby League World Cup Legacy Fund to encourage and support participation at grassr...
Share your views on parish councils and Newton and Earlestown town council petition your views on local parish council arrangements and a petition submitted by residents to create a new town council for Newton and Earlestown, as part of t...