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Learner information

Working together, we will:

Respect each other

We agree to:

  • Value all learners equally
  • Listen to your comments and concerns
  • Make every effort to meet your needs
  • Allow everyone's voice to be heard
  • Celebrate diversity
  • Not tolerate abuse of any kind

You agree to:

  • Listen to others' points of view
  • Use language that is not offensive
  • Keep phones silent or off
  • Treat all personal information confidentially
  • Let us know if you feel bullied in any way

Learn well

We agree to:

  • Advise you about the best course for you
  • Help you to identify what you want to achieve
  • Let you know how well you are doing and how you can do even better
  • Provide a variety of ways to learn
  • Give you the chance to learn between sessions
  • Do our best to give the support you need, including helping you with English and maths skills

You agree to:

  • Attend regularly, letting us know if you cannot attend
  • Arrive on time and ready to learn
  • Let us know if you need extra help
  • Be prepared to take an active role in your learning
  • Make every effort to complete all tasks

Keep safe

We agree to:

  • Provide a safe place to learn
  • Let you know what to do in an emergency
  • Listen to your concerns
  • Exclude any learner under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Give you information about keeping safe online, where appropriate
  • Keep all your personal information safe

You agree to:

  • Follow all health and safety advice
  • Let us know if you have concerns about your safety or comfort, or that of anybody else
  • Not smoke on the premises
  • Use all equipment, including computers, safely

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