Active Travel proposed route: A580 East Lancashire Road
The A580 East Lancashire Road Active Travel Route covers the junctions between A58 Stanley Bank Way and Kenyons Lane South, and forms part of the adopted Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan.
Our Borough Strategy 2021-2030 highlights the council's aspiration to increase levels of walking and cycling across the borough, thereby improving health, boosting access to employment, and tackling the climate emergency. Successful delivery of the council's Local Plan, Highways Asset Management Strategy, Active Lives Strategy, Climate Response Plan and Town Centre Masterplan Development Frameworks, amongst other strategies, will all contribute to increasing the proportion of local trips taken by walking and cycling.
The outline proposals include upgrading the existing shared surface pedestrian and cycle pathways to a protected cycle route with separated pedestrian footway, with some sections of shared surfaces. We are also proposing junction upgrades throughout the length of the route, with the potential removal of the footbridge located immediately east of the Kenyons Lane South junction, following the installation of a dedicated road level signalised controlled crossing.
The junctions along the A580 East Lancashire corridor proposed phase for active travel upgrades include:
- A580/Haydock Lane/Moore Park Way
- A580/Piele Road
- A580/Millfield Lane/Kenyons Lane South.
Implementation of the Outline Design will require amendments to the existing speed limit along the A580 to achieve compliance with design standards.

Community Engagement and Consultation
A six week consultation was undertaken, ending Monday 27th November 2023 on the outline design drawings and options below.
- Route overview (PDF, 276 KB)(opens new window)
- Outline design drawings (PDF, 2 MB)(opens new window)
- Proposed speed limits - option 1 (PDF, 383 KB)(opens new window)
- Proposed speed limits - option 2 (PDF, 419 KB)(opens new window)
- Proposed speed limits - option 3 (PDF, 407 KB)(opens new window)
- Frequently asked questions (PDF, 317 KB)(opens new window)
Alongside an online survey, a series of drop-in events took place at several locations where people could view the plans in person and meet members of the project team. The three in-person events were held at:
- Haydock Library, Church Rd, Haydock, St Helens WA11 0LY, on Monday 30 October 2023, 11.30am - 1.30pm
- Haydock Cricket Club, Lyme Park, Piele Road, Haydock, St Helens, WA11 0JZ on Thursday 02 November 2023, 4pm - 7pm
- Costco, Haydock, Andover Rd, Haydock, St Helens WA11 9FA on Tuesday 14 November 2023, 5pm - 7pm
What happens next?
Officers have reviewed the responses collected during the latest engagement process, considered the views and concerns of residents and stakeholders, and summarised the key results within the Project Summary: East Lancashire Road (A580) (PDF, 1 MB).
The Consultation Feedback Report- East Lancashire Road (A580) (PDF, 917 KB) details the main themes from consultation, with designs now being amended, if possible, to take into account the feedback from local residents and stakeholders.
The website will be updated accordingly and the final design options will eventually be used to secure future funding opportunities from central government departments or contributions from private developments, to build the proposed walking and cycling scheme.