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Preventing homelessness

Are you experiencing domestic violence?

Domestic violence includes all kinds of physical, sexual and emotional abuse within relationships and can affect anyone.

If this is happening to you please get advice about your housing and support options from the Housing Options and Advice Service at the earliest opportunity.

We can advise you on legal options you might want to consider.

Amongst other things legal orders can be obtained which order the violent person to leave your home or allow you to stay or enter the home.

An order can also be obtained to prevent someone from being violent to you or any member of your household.

We may be able to help you with some temporary accommodation - to give you a period of time to work out your problems and consider the options carefully.

If you require a safe place to stay we will provide this. This could be a women's refuge or hostel.

If you require it we will also help you access alternative housing in the public or the private rented sector.

We will also link you in with other agencies that can help you deal with your problems e.g. Women's Aid and Merseyside Police.

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