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Preventing homelessness

Have you been given notice to leave a property?

The Housing Options and Advice Service can advise you on your rights.

Your rights will depend on the type of tenancy you have and the terms of the tenancy agreement.

You cannot be evicted without receiving the appropriate notice and a court order being obtained

If you are a private tenant with an assured shorthold tenancy, the landlord should have a reason for asking you to leave, but can give you two months notice to leave towards the end of your tenancy.

We will normally visit the property you occupy and discuss the situation with your landlord and may be able to reach an arrangement that allows you to stay on.

If you are required to leave or you want to move elsewhere we can help you obtain alternative housing.

If you seek another private rented property we can assist you to find another property and in certain circumstances may be able to help you with a rent guarantee or deposit.

It may be that the landlord has made his mind up to sell and in this situation our efforts would be directed at negotiating with the landlord to give you a reasonable period of time so we can help you find alternative housing.

This will save the owner in legal, court, and eviction fees. It may also be that the landlord or their estate agent has other properties that they are willing to let to you.

If the landlord is asking you to leave because you have not paid your rent we will carry out a financial assessment of your circumstances to see if the rent is affordable for you and whether we can arrange to come to some agreement with the landlord to meet any repayments to allow you to stay.

Some rent problems may have arisen due to a problem with housing benefit. If your circumstances have changed (e.g. you now work part time) this can cause a change in the benefit you are entitled to.

It is your responsibility to keep housing benefit informed of any changes in your circumstances and to provide any information requested. Failing to do this can cause rent arrears to build up

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