Charging for non-residential services
If you have savings that you hold jointly with your partner, we will assume you have equal shares.
Savings over £23,250 - you will be required to pay the rate set by the council for the services you receive.
Savings between £14,250 and £23,250 - you will have to pay £1 a week for every £250 or part of £250 of your savings. This is called Tariff Income.
Example: If you have £15,000 savings, £14,250 is disregarded and tariff income of £3 per week is considered as income.
Tariff Income is meant to represent an amount that a person with savings over a certain limit should be able to contribute towards their care costs, not the interest earning capacity of those savings.
Savings under £14,250 - the amount you pay will depend on your financial assessment.